Chapter 2

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Michael's POV

"Shut the fuck up Michael!" My stepdad yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

I sighed and put my guitar down on my bed. I'm so sick of this shit. How can I fulfill my dreams if he won't let me fucking practise? This happens every time I try to play, I get yelled at. Why the fuck can't he just go and get a job instead of my mam working her ass off 7 days a week to pay for his lazy ass staying here?

It pissed me of so much. She gives him everything and he just walks all over her like she's a doormat. She's my mum. She's my life and soul and I'd die before I let him take all that she has but no matter what she still has me. I know she's trying to do what's best for us both but it would be better if he was out of the picture.

I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen ignoring Pete's request for another beer. My mum took one out of the fridge but I gently grabbed her wrist and took it out of her hand giving her a stern look.

"If he wants one he can get it himself. He has legs mum." I put the beer on the side and kissed her head.

She nodded and smiled at me before going back to cooking food. My mum was an amazing cook. All of her food was so good. She taught me at a young age and I help her a lot in the kitchen. When I was younger we would cook while singing to Green Day and Billy Idol. And then she met Pete and everything changed. Suddenly it became a sin to laugh or have fun. When he's out we still cook together and for that little moment everything is back to how it used to be.

I heard footsteps walking into the kitchen and I turned to see Pete stood there. He was swaying slightly and one of his eyes was almost closed. He'd had a lot to drink tonight. He stumbled towards me with a finger pointed at me.

"Didn't you fucking hear me?" He slurred. "I asked for another beer."

I pushed his finger away and took a step closer to him. We were about the same height but he was larger than me. He didn't scare me. He was just a stupid alcoholic with no qualifications or dreams. He was pathetic.

"And I said that you have legs. Get one yourself. We're not your servants. You live under our roof." I bit back.

His face became hard and I saw him tense. I didn't budge. I stood my ground. He was not going to get away with this. He looked at me for a second before stepping backward, gripping onto the table for support.

"I don't like you Michael. You're rude, disrespectful and a disappointment." He spat.

"Fuck you! I do everything I can to help my mum and what do you do? Sit on your fucking ass all day eating crisps and drinking beer!" I yelled. I couldn't take it anymore. I was done with his bullshit.

"Get out! Go and take your attitude and your talentless ass out of here and fuck up someone else's life. You're a low life. No wonder you left college to do a stupid career that you're not good enough for. Now get out."

"Fine." I glanced at my mum. She had tears in her eyes. "Sorry mum. I'll call you tonight."

"Where are you going?" She asked as she followed me to the front door. Her voice was weak and shaky. I slipped on my jacket and gave her a hug.

"Dad's." She nodded and I walked out. I heard the door shut behind me and I got in my car and drove off.

Me and my dad were close. My parents split up when I was 15 but things were never awkward. They weren't sour about each other but split because of financial difficulties. They both got stressed and decided it would be better if they split before they began to hate each other. I still live in hope that they'll get back together because we were a good family.

I remember when I was younger my dad would come home from work and me and my mum had cooked his dinner for him and we would all eat at the table and talk about our day. Dad would then pull out a desert, usually a chocolate or cheesecake, from his work bag and we would all have a piece before settling down and watching a TV show. It was always three episodes a night and then I would head to bed. Me and my dad still do that sometimes but it's not the same without mum sat in the middle of us while she hogged the blanket and then fell to sleep half way through the last episode.

I was tense as I drove. Pete was such an asshole! I didn't see why my mum didn't just leave him. He didn't own anything in that house. All she had to do was kick him out but she wouldn't. He knocked me sick. I knew they don't love each other. They didn't even sleep in the same room.

When I made it I was going to buy her a huge house and give her everything she wanted. I'd give her the world if I could. Pete would be left with nothing. I was going to show him. I could do it. My band was going great places. I had faith in all of us.

I pulled up at my dad's and got out and walked to the door. It opened straight away and he pulled me into a hug. He was in his usual black jeans and grey t shirt attire with his blonde hair messy and floppy over his head.

"Your mum text me. Come on in." He said and I followed him inside.

He grabbed me a can of coke and we sat and talked about what happened before ordering a pizza. The good thing about my dad was he was always really rational. He always tried to see both sides and tried to offer a smart solution. Only this time he couldn't see Pete's side. He was too good of a guy to get into Pete's head. He couldn't even imagine acting like that.

My dad left the room and came back with two acoustic guitars. He handed me mine before sitting down with his.

"So you said you can't practise in your house so you can practise here from now on. Come on, teach me some of your songs." He said and I nodded an smiled.

My dad taught my how to play guitar when I was about 5.  He had always been amazing and one day I saw him playing and knew that I wanted to be able to do that too. It made me happy to know that he supported my music and wanted to listen to it and learn it. He was my number 1 fan.

We sat for hours playing and having pizza every now and then during it breaks. He picked up the songs pretty quickly and soon we were both playing from memory.

My dad's talent was truly a sight to see. That's why Pete didn't like to see me play. He knew that I got it from my dad and he saw my dad as a threat. He didn't want anything related with him in the house.

Well tough shit because I live dthere and I was not leaving without my mum.

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