The New Cadets

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Shiro's P.o.v: 

I was soaring Through the sky's like I fly at home, it was the best day of my life. I enjoyed the view when I saw Big Swirl Island.

"Wow, reminds me of my trip to Hawaii with my family" I quoted. I stopped chatting to myself and flew down their like a Flash phantom.

"Woohoo" I said when I descended with the wind blowing in my face. I flew down landing at a shack that looks like a lemon, & next to it is a small shade place where an octopus that was playing some music that sounded Hawaiian style.

"Keep the music playing buddy" I told the octopus. He smiled and waved at me with joy. "Hi, can I get you anything?" a rhinoceros said to me who was in the lemon looking shack. "Yes, Can I have a smoothie please" I asked her. "What flavor" She said.

"Any kind is okay with me" I said. "Okay, one smoothie coming up for-" She stopped to know my name. "Shiro" I told her. "-Shiro, gotcha". Three minutes later, I see a Roadrunner that landed and started walking up to me.

"Hi" She said to me. "Hi" I replied. "What's your name" I asked her. "Roxy, Roxy Roadrunner" she replied. "whats yours" she asked me. "Shiro, Shiro Sharpwing" I replied.  "Wow, that's some name" she said in shock.

"Yea, my parents thought it fits me for my Aqua-grayish wing's" I told her. She looked at my wings and said "AMAZING!! Your wings are Beautiful!". "Thanks, I like your wings to" I said. "Ah, its just normal Roadrunner color" She said in a downed out voice.

"Well, I think their special, Just like you" I said to cheer her up. "Wow, you are so nice Shiro" She said in a cheered up voice. "Here you go, I made two smoothies just in case you wanted one Roxy" She said. "Thanks, Uh-" She stopped because she didn't know her name.

"Oh pardon me, My name is Rhonda and this is the lemon shack" The Rhinoceros said to Roxy. "-Rhonda" She continued. "Your welcome Shiro & Roxy" She said. "Thanks" I replied. Minutes later me and Roxy drank our smoothies and made our way to Top Wing Academy. "New top wing cadet to?" She said to me.

"Yep!" I replied in a exciting tone. "Wanna race to Class?" Roxy said in a pumped voice. " Your on." I replied.

At Top Wing Academy:

 "I can't wait to meet the new cadets" Swift Said in joy. "Neither can I Swift." Penny said in joy as well. "These new cadets are gonna be sooo primo when they get here" Brody said.

"Yeah, 2 new cadets coming here to top wing academy is so Cock-a-doodle-amazing!" Rod continued with Brody. "Im gonna win Roxy" Shiro Said in an excited voice. "I dont think so Shiro" Roxy Said in her pumped voice. " Oh yeah!" Shiro said in a pumped voice as he did some extreme flying and lands like a pro. "awe, I lost" Roxy said in a non- pumped voice. "I win" Shiro said in joy. "Yep, you beat me" Roxy said in her normal voice.

"Wow, Slick move Uh-" Swift stopped to Get Shiro's name. "Shiro, Shiro Sharpwing" Shiro told Swift. "Slick name to" Swift added. "Thanks uh-" I stopped to get the blue jays name "-Swift" He said to Shiro".

"Swift, Right" Shiro continued. "Welcome to Top wing academy" Speedy said to Shiro and Roxy. "Im Speedy, Your Top Wing Academy teacher" Speedy said to Shiro and Roxy. "And im Bea, Your Top Wing chief Mechanic" said the female bird. I said hi back and smiled.

Roxy did the same and we both said hi to Swift (The Blue jay), Penny (The Penguin), Rod (The Rooster), & Brody (The Puffin). They all said hi back and then we all raced to the lemon shack for our break, ... Well almost all of us, Shiro and Swift stayed behind for some reason.


"Why did you stay behind Swift?" I said to him. "I dont know, I just dont feel like racing or eating" He replied sadly. "Why did you stay behind?" He asked me. "Oh, I was just gonna go down to the beach, Wanna come?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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