20. Back To Reality

Start from the beginning

All she had wanted was a quick miserable end to her and Sean that night in the woods, a way to force herself to break up with him. If she'd had sex with Hearne, she would ended things with Sean the next day, it would have been over before it begun. All she wanted was to use Hearne to waste her power, and to prove to herself that she had been right all along—she couldn't be trusted.

But god, she didn't want Sean to have to see it. She couldn't get over the look of pain and betrayal in his face. Sean was in her every thought, but she knew more than ever she had to let him go. If she went back to the no-dating policy, she'd spend her life pining for him.

Who was it that said the best way to get over someone was to get under someone else? That's what she was doing with Hearne, wasn't it? God, was she a completely horrible person for considering Hearne a rebound screw?

Except apparently, he didn't just want a quick screw. He'd spent a week caring for her, showing patience for her drinking and tears, comforting her, and now he wouldn't even touch her when she offered, last night. It was almost like Hearne knew, she wasn't even sure if she wanted to have sex with him.

So why had she offered? Because he'd been kind? Because she thought she should? Because it would be easier to have sex with Hearne than not have it with Sean? And what about Hearne? Clearly, in the beginning, Hearne had wanted to sleep with her. She'd seen enough lust in guys' eyes to know that for sure. What had changed? Did he not want her now, or did he want something more? Was she leading him on now?

No, Hearne was no innocent. Hearne was dangerous, wasn't he? His scars— his very presence—demonstrated his nature. Except he didn't seem dangerous when he held her at night. Or at least, it seemed like she was within the perimeter of his aggression.

But it wasn't like being within Sean's perimeter. Even being inside a feeling of protection with Hearne wasn't like being inside Sean's walls. Hearne was impenetrable—a fortress unto himself. She remembered the honesty, the intimacy in Sean's voice and the way he just seemed to know her, know how to touch her without reservation, how he effortlessly called to something inside her...she'd never felt that close to another person.

She'd completely fucked that up. She looked at Sean's last text again.

One on one is not a good idea. No explanation required. You already told me—you make bad decisions.

No shit.


Despite what he'd said about not avoiding each other, Sean saw the unhappy expression on Dru's face at the end of class, and he didn't think she wanted an eye-to-eye, so he took his time to leave, letting Dru make a quicker exit.

But leave it to Lana to stomp all over his attempts at graciousness. Lana had tackled Dru in the quad and was hugging her, swaying her violently from side-to-side. Sean was giving them a wide berth, but he couldn't help but overhear Lana's over-excited greeting.

"Girl, I missed your face!" Lana was squealing. "I'm so glad you're back on campus! You are coming back to the dorm, right?"

Sean stopped. Back on campus? Where had she been all week? Sean just assumed she was not coming to the classes they shared, and avoiding any of the normal times the three of them would be together. Before he even realized it, he was veering toward the two girls.

Lana saw him approaching, and her eyes narrowed. She tucked her arm tightly into Dru's—a show of solidarity, and a way to prevent Dru from slipping away. "Great, the gang's back together again. Y'all kiss and make-up...I hate drama unless it's my own."

Dru looked like a deer in the headlights. Her mascara was a little...fuzzy, like she'd blinked back tears, but there were no tears now, just a wide stare of apprehension. Did she really think he would cause a scene?

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