Chapter 5: From Vancouver To Aberdeen

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My alarm goes off at six. Enough time for me to get ready for school. I pull out the clothes I packed. A pair of blue jeans, a white camisole with a jean shirt over the top, white scarf, and a pair of brown boots. My hair is let down loose. “Josiah time to get up.” I say.

“What time is it?” he asks stretching.

“Seven now get.” I demand.

“Shoot!” Josiah says standing up. “You should’ve gotten me up earlier.” he laughs.

“Do you ever go to bed with a shirt on?” I point out.

“Eh, sometimes.” He laughs. Waiting for Josiah to get dressed doesn’t take long considering Tina was making breakfast and talking to me to make time fly by.

“If you don’t mind could you guys take Sam. Dylan doesn’t feel good. Ate too much lasagna. He always does.” Tina explains.

“I won’t mind at all. If its okay Josiah it will be fine.” I explain.

“If what’s okay with me.” Josiah says walking up behind me. It takes me a moment to realize what he’s wearing. He’s wearing a black and gray striped shirt he knows I love on him and a pair of kaki shorts with black high tops. It makes him look taller than he actually is.

“If it was okay if you guys could take Sam to school with you. Your dad isn’t feeling good.” Tina explains.

“Too much lasagna again.” Josiah assumes as Tina nods to approve. “I won’t mind. It’s a good thing he goes to the same school as us.”

“Well, let’s go we don’t want to be late or else Ms. Edwards will be a jerk today.” I explain as Sam comes downstairs.

“You guys think Ms. Edwards is bad trying having Mr. Ackley.” Sam explains as we reach the car.

“I had him last year he was always an ass to our friend Angela.” I explain.

“Isn’t that why she dropped out of that class?” Josiah asks.

“Yeah. She never liked history anyways.” I explain. We are such a casual couple when it comes to conversations in front of each others’ families.

“So are you two?” Sam asks awkwardly.

“Yeah we are. Are you and Maria Irving together?” Josiah asks. My best friend’s little sister and my boyfriend’s little brother together. That’s quite the connection.

“Yeah, her sister Natalia has been a little overly protective though.” Sam explains.

“Well, a sister always looks out for her little siblings and their boyfriend/girlfriend. I remember when my sister Katie got her first boyfriend in kindergarten I always made sure he was nice to her. After a while they realized they shouldn’t be together so now she’s with her boyfriend Michael and I hope he’s the one for her.” I explain a little more than I anticipated to.

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