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Here's your delivery! 🤗
Hope these suit your story.

I'll be PMing you the links.
Thanks for completing the payment!

Book Cover:

Book Cover:

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Book mock-up:

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Book mock-up:

Book mock-up:

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Book Jacket:

(You might want to zoom in to get a clearer view of the writing

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

(You might want to zoom in to get a clearer view of the writing.)

Intro Banner:

Intro Banner:

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(I did a playlist instead of album cover cebause you requested a lot of text and otherwise it would have looked smushed

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(I did a playlist instead of album cover cebause you requested a lot of text and otherwise it would have looked smushed. Hope you don't mind.)


Character Banner #1:

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Character Banner #1:

Character Banner #2:

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Character Banner #2:

(Sorry these aren't gifs

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(Sorry these aren't gifs.)

Here's a lil before and after of the manipulation I did:

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Here's a lil before and after of the manipulation I did:

Here's a lil before and after of the manipulation I did:

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anoushkaaa on deviantart

Gemini's Graphic Shop [Vol. 2]Where stories live. Discover now