Imagine this: you're in a party where you never wanted to go. But you're mother insisted and so you put on your best dress and went there. There is loud music pulsing through the hall, sweaty people cheering upon a songs which you can't make up with drinks in their hands you don't even want to think about. You feel awkward, extremely awkward but you don't turn back to go home because you know your bestie would be here soon and every time would be okay. But she doesn't show up. And you're struck there, so badly that you want to simply escape. But you don't. You wait for your bestie and then when your eyes lift up, you see her dancing  and kissing a boy who had been a crush of you. Felt the feeling?

Yeah, that's what I felt.

Stung. Betrayed. Hurt. All at once. Tears didn't come. Mind didn't process. Heart didn't race up. But instead, everything slowed down. I watched as that person unlocked the door from a set of keys that jiggled on his waist and with his fingerprint , he opened the door of the cell. I watched how my expectations crumpled to ground as he let himself in rather than letting me out. He closed the door behind and kneed down right in front of me.

'Hello there,' He greeted. 'Princess.'

'Jake.' I hissed.

He smiled. 'It's been so long since I heard my name from you.'

I gazed cautiously into his eyes. With the filtered moonlight from the window, I tried to search for the warmth in his eyes. The spirals of blended in colours in his eyes, I searched for them. For emotions, colours, feelings. Nothing. 'Tell me why I'm not surprised to find you here?' I lied. Man, I was still trying to find ways to push back my tears.

'Did you expected me?' He asked. 'It means you missed me.'

I snorted but didn't say anything. Jake continued. 'You know, if you would've listened to me months ago, you wouldn't be here.'

'I don't think so.' I said.

He ignored me. 'But you chose to stay with that damn shit,' he sneered at Leo. 'See? This is what I warned you about.'

I struggled to keep my legs to myself and not kick the life out of him. 'So you asked me to come with you because you wanted me to work under my worst enemy?' I said in disbelief.

'It's better than staying here isn't it?' Jake mocked. A smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes. 'It's better than being a tail.'

'You have no idea how much you missed the opportunity,' Jake rolled his eyes. 'I wanted to take you with me, I wanted to protect you Elsa but you simply ignored me and eventually chose Leo over me.' I looked over at Leo. He had his one leg pulled up to his chest. His head hung low and even if it was dark, I did manage to capture a small smile on his lips. He was surely enjoying the conversation.

'You could've come with me and wouldn't have to suffer this much actually.' Jake said.

I rolled my eyes. 'Jake, shut up if you could,' I blurted out. 'Even if I knew this,' I waved my finger around the room, 'would be happening to me, I'd  still choose the losses and injurious I had attained rather than being a traitor asshole as you were.'

Jake's reaction as my truthful words was simply a jaw clench. 'How long Jake?' I said after a short silence. 'How pong have you been working for Hades?'

'Since you have been working to get Hades.' Jake responded.

'Why would you do it? As long as I remember, you were the one who told me in the beginning when I didn't want to become an agent, that what we do is good. We clean the world Jake. That's what you said. So why?' I jerked my head to my side as he stopped looking into my eyes and threw his gaze on the ground instead.

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