Chapter 14

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Maya's pov

We were in the car riding back to our hotel room and Stefan was asleep in the car I guess ripping people to shreds take it out of you. It was just me and klaus in the front. It was silent but I loved the silence when ever we talk we just end up arguing and I'm too tired to be arguing.

" your silence is killing me" he simply said as he never took his eyes of the road. " come on we haven't seen each other in 50 years"

" and I was hoping to not see you for atleast another 50 years" I told him

" why did you come back to mystic falls? You knew I would come eventually because the doppelganger was there" he asked

" I came back to make things right I missed my brothers and when I got a word that they were both back in mystic falls so I knew I had to visit them" I told him

" even when you knew I would come. I could kill you easily " he said and it sounded like that thought hurt him more than me

" that thought did cross my mind but I knew that wasn't true. Elijah was right about me" I said that more to myself than I did to klaus because I realised that he would never hurt me

" and what did my dear brother say" nik asked

" something that your going to have to find out" I says

" fine what have you been doing then in those 50 years besides kissing quarterbacks " he asks

" partying.... Trying to live human... " I said ignoring his comment.

" and kissing quarterbacks" he said finshing my sentence

" OK you were in alarics body don't judge me for something you shouldn't of been there to see and it's not like I was planning on kissing him when I asked him to damce with me. He kissed me!" I told him

" but you kissed him back" he said

" could you drop it" I asked him as nicely as I could

" anything for you love" he smirked

" so when we find this werewolf what are you exactly going to do" I asked him

" you will accidentally bump into him and flirt with him do whatever you did to the quarterback" he joked. I glared at him he really wasn't going to let matt go.

" bumping into someone ' accidentally' never works... like ever" I told him

" of course it does... You'll be the distraction that's all and then when he's drunk me and rippeah will have a chat with him" nik said

" by chatting I'm guessing you mean torture" I asked and he just shrugged.

I'm definitely going to a party tonight nik will be our some where which gives me the time actually have fun!

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