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Lisa is standing in front of the counter checking the menu displayed on top.

"mmm, i don't feel like eating today." she mumbled as she remembered the morning happenings. She was really feeling guilty as she knew to herself that it was her fault, but thinking about it more, she  realized that she wasn't upset about her actions. She was upset to the fact that she disappointed Jennie.

Lisa let out a deep sigh. "So much for a first day huh." she grumbled as she walked towards the cashier.

"One Medium Iced caffe latte please." she ordered giving the cashier her payment with a small smile. She immediately moved towards the receiving area waiting for her order inline. Sighing and falling deep in thought she didn't notice one of the cafe staff calling her attention as her order is already on stand by.

"Hey, your order's on stand by. They're calling for you." Lisa flinched as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She automatically looked behind and found who disrupted her thoughts. 

"Jennie!" she gasped.

The brunette sighed and took her hand off her shoulder. "Do you always space out?" she asked with her right brow up. 

"Uhm. No? i guess?" Lisa answered.

"You know you've been standing in-front of the counter for like half an hour right?" she started.

"Uhm?" Lisa didn't know what to respond.

"And your order's on stand by, they've been calling you but you're not responding. You're keeping the other costumers on wait." She sounded irritated.

Lisa's eyes widened as she remembered her order, she leaped quickly and got her coffee.

"I'm sorry Jennie shi." she returned to her wearing an apologetic look.

"I told you Lisa shi, if you can't do your work properly then i'll have to let you go." she said coldly as she walked towards the cafe's exit.

Lisa followed, silently sighing as she tried to keep up with the model's pace.

Lisa tried not to space out as she learned and observe how the current manager is doing his work. She needed to be attentive especially towards the model's needs and wants. She took notes on her pocket sized book not wanting to forget any details that she might miss in the future.

She needed to be on time, quick but at the same time careful, be with her anywhere she goes and in anything she does but also knowing the limit as to not deprive her from her privacy.

Keeping up with the model's schedule is already hard, she needed to wake up early and go to bed late at night. She wasn't used to this kind of schedule, she had always handled her time freely but she didn't have any choice now as her work now revolves around her.

The model's hectic schedules were taking a toll on her as her body is still adjusting, she wakes up groggy and sleeps dead tired. It has already been a week and she's doing her best. She watches closely, she listens carefully and she notes every habit that she sees.

Jennie remains cold when it comes to her but she didn't mind the treatment as she knows that she needed to prove her that she can handle being her manager. She's been scolded by her a lot of times but still she remains thankful as she always knew that the model just wanted her to know what she did wrong in order for her to learn from her mistakes.

She also did notice the lousy treatment Jennie was giving her current manager. She would always try to irritate and act rude when it comes to him. She was always reserved and polite to the other staff but not to Mr. Sung.

The scene was really not new at all to Lisa since she'd seen this before from the previous models she worked with as a photographer. But what surprised her was Mr. Sung's expression every time Jennie acts against him. He would turn red with anger and she'll always caught him clenching his fist tight. Even then he would just always turn away and not say a word.

"Seulgi shi." Lisa gained the attention of the model's stylist.

"Tsk!" The stylist looked at her and pouted.
"I told you, stop being formal Lisa." she answered.

Lisa chuckled shyly. The stylist has been helping her cope up with her workloads, she's always there when she has questions and when she needed opinions.

"Unnie." repeated.

Seulgi smiled widely. "That's more like it. What is it?" she asked.

Lisa hesitated a bit but went through with it. "Unnie, well uhmm. Well I just noticed how Jennie shi treats Mr. Sung and ..."

"and your curious as to why?" Seulgi continued and Lisa shyly nodded.

"Mmmmmm." seulgi hummed for a few seconds as she thought of something still looking at Lisa.

"Okay. I'll tell you about the rumor since you're gonna replace him as Jennie's manager." Seulgi finally decided.

Lisa then focused her attention to her.

"In the beginning though Mr. Sung and Jennie had an okay relationship. Jennie didn't act around him and she followed him as her manager. But then suddenly she started acting rude to him. She wouldn't listen to him anymore and would always try to irritate him. She didn't talk to him as much as before, she only talks to him when needed to." she narrated.

"Of course people around them noticed the sudden change and rumors started to spread. Rumors about dating etcetera but all of it got debunked. But one rumor stood out." she continued then glanced around the room. They were on the waiting room alone.

"What rumor?" Lisa asked.

"Well ..."
"rumor says that Mr. Sung is ..."


Seulgi and Lisa quickly looked towards the door. The staff were back, they had their lunch outside and brought them theirs.

"Hey Lisa! Here's your lunch. Eat it quick before Jennie and Mr. Sung comes back." a staff handed her lunch.

"Thanks" she smiled at the staff then glanced at Seulgi with a disappointed look.

"Maybe next time." The stylist smiled.

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