Night Terrors

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Robin wakes up to the sounds of cries. He looks at the clock and it says 1:26am. He sees Regina's face with water coming out of her eyes. He gently shakes Regina and whispers, "Regina, sweetie, wake up."

Regina quickly jerks up and is shaking. Robin places his hand on Regina's shoulder. She jumps out of bed and locks herself in the bathroom.

Robin knocks, "My love, Are you okay? What's wrong?" Still hearing Regina's whimpers. Regina yells, "GO AWAY!" Him not understanding what is happening yet, still loves Regina too much, leans against the door and tells her. "I'm not leaving you."

He hears the door unlock and he stands up. The door opens and Regina falls into his arms. He holds her and feels the tears fall onto his chest. Regina's head is pressed against him, he feels helpless all he can do is hold her.

He feels her body is getting heavier. He realizes that she has fallen asleep. He gently carries her back to bed and places her softly. Robin wraps himself around Regina. He hears a soft voice arise, "Thank you" Robin replies, "Always my love, I will never leave you." He closed his eyes to the sweet sound of Regina breathing.


The clock reads 2:47am. Robin is again awoken bye cries, but this time he feels the tears on him. He looks down and sees Regina's crying in her sleep.

He whispers to his love, "Regina, my love, wake up." He then feels a shake against his body. Regina is awake and shaking.

He sits her up and cups his hands around her face, slowly. Making sure he does not hurt Regina or cause her to lock herself in the bathroom again.

Robin looks at Regina and says, "Sweetie, are you okay? I keep waking up to your cries and I want you to be okay."
Regina looks into Robin's eyes and tries to catch her breath.

"I...I keep having the...the same dream, well more a night mare." Her voice cracking with every word she says. "I...I don't want think of it, but...but I end up re...reliving it." Robin scoffs, "I could just kill him. He...He violated you. Causing night terrors. Making you feel this way. I could just..."

Robin realizes him moving so quickly is causing Regina to cry. He looks at the fear in her eyes and let's go of her face. He then holds Regina's waist ever so softly and bring her to him so tightly, no air could break through their closeness. He holds her, feels her, calms her. He feels the worst he has ever felt in his life. Causing his love to cry out of fear. He whispers softly, "I am so sorry, my love. I am so incredibly sorry. I never want you to fear me. I am so sorry."

She looks at him. Brings herself up and tells him, "My love, baby, it was not you. It was the shaking. It reminded me..." she takes a deep breath and when she is about to finish Robin says, "I understand I never want to remind you of him, ever."

He cuddled her so tightly so he could feel his body completely around her body. He wanted her to feel safe in his arms. She turns to him and says, "My love if this happens again hold me, tight." He responds, "your wish is my command."



Robin feels Regina shaking. He then wraps himself around her and softly whispers, "it's okay I'm here, I am here my love." He repeats it over and over again until he hears the cries stop.

He then rubs Regina's arm up and down. He knows this calms her and it worked like every time before that.

Regina turns to him, looks him in the eyes, cups his face with her hand and presses her lips against his. He has been the best to her and she knows he has wanted to do that all night. Robin then pulls apart looking at her.

"Are you okay? Are you sure that didn't cause any pain?" He looks with a worried face. She chuckles, "No, I was the one who kissed you." "Are you sure?" He says with all the love he has. "Yes, plus I know you. You have wanted to kiss me all night. I can tell." He then smiles, "In that case..." Robin moves to be on top of her. Cups her face with both this hands and crashes his kiss onto hers.

Regina opens her mouth and Robin fights for domaince. He wants to show her that he cares, that he loves her and only her. He ends up winning and loves every minute of it. Regina feel a moan escape her throat. Robin loves this kiss even more. They hear more moans from both ends of the party. They both are so deeply in love with each other. He then is aware that it won't go pass this kiss, but he didn't care. As long as his love felt like a queen.

That passionate kiss caused Regina to feel safe. This kiss made her spine shiver. The kiss was a kiss that would help her forget all the bad ones. That kiss was one to remember.

She pulls apart and looks into his sky blue, loved filled eyes. "I love you Robin Lockely." He stares at her beauty, "I love Regina Mills."

They fall asleep. Robin wrapped around Regina. Breathing in each other's scent. Loving every minute of each other's warmth. They laid there all night long. So deeply in love with each other.

I hope you like this chapter!!! What will happen next? What will happen with Nottingham? What will happen with Robin and Regina?

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