He blew the metal cage apart with the force and Rey ran to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and clinging to his black fur.

"Ben...oh, thank the Maker, we've got to go. Rulf is insane.."

"Yeah. I noticed."

"Let's go, I'm afraid. He said something about taking the babies..."

A low growl escaped Kylo.


No one would make his mate afraid and no one would threaten his children. He was done. Soon there would be no more Rulf.

He had to calm down, the angrier he got, the harder it was to think like a human. He took a few heaving breaths.

"Climb on my back, Rey. My father is here. He's going to get you out of here."

"Not without you."

She shook her head. He wasn't staying here alone.

"You're not staying here with that maniac."

Rey shook her head.

"Our babies are at risk. You have to go."

"My father and I will do what needs to be done."

Reluctantly, she straddled his back and clung to his neck as he took off down the corridor toward the garbage compartment where Han was waiting.


Rulf answered the Comm.

"What is it?"

"Alpha, I went to prepare June for Lord Ren and when I returned to Janine's room, I found the door was missing. He appears to have escaped."

"Escaped? Did Janine mate him?"

"Yes Alpha, I checked her myself."

That was something at least....

"She says he fled the room when his knot released."

"Were'nt you watching them?"

"Yes, Alpha, but when I was sure they were tied, I stepped away for a moment."

"Alright Lydia, continue the preparations for June and Moira. Make sure you don't step away this time. We can't afford these kinds of mistakes. Emperor Ren is too important to the pack right now and we have very little time left. I'll find him. He will fulfill his purpose to the pack."

"Yes Alpha, right away."

"Oh and Lydia, make sure that Janine stays lying down with her hips propped up until tomorrow.... and give her some ice cream. She's been a good little Omega."

"Of course, Alpha."

He cut the Comm.

Where was Ren? That was obvious. He went for his mate.

Rulf headed back toward the lab. He only hoped Rey would forgive him for what he was about to do.


Kylo the wolf and Rey raced to the trash compactor chute where Han was ready for them. Han slid open the doors and Rey swung off of Ben's neck.

He couldn't speak in full wolf form so he sent her:

"I love you Little mate. Go now, I will return to you soon. Our Babies need you to do this."

Han reached out his hand to her.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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