[ 53 ] 2014

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[ 53 ] 2014


"I don't know why you keep insisting. But I won't fight you, mate. You're my girlfriend's brother. It would crush her if I fought you."  


After getting dried and changing into something comfortable--Calum into a pair of black sweats, and Harley into one of his soccer uniform shirts--the two got into bed together. Calum held her in his arms, he was over the moon to finally have such an intimate bond with her. She snuggled into his chest comfortably, her worries of the last few days melting away momentarily. They slept until the next morning and were woken to the sound Calum's alarm on his phone, informing him that it was a new day and that it was time to get up. He groaned out in annoyance, eyes refusing to open, a hand reached out to the night stand to pick up his cell phone. 

"Fuck." He complained, more to himself than anything. The blue eyed girl in his arms was still sound asleep beside him. "I don't want to go to school today." His voice was scratchy and ridden with sleep. He was thoroughly tired out after the previous night.

He and Harley had been excused by their principal for a few days after the incident happened. Harley had been excused due to her injury, as she had spent a lot of time in the hospital recovering, while Calum had been excused because his uncle and legal guardian was in critical condition at the hospital. The principal at St. Genevieve's felt truly sorry for him. In the span of about one year, he had lost mostly everything that was important to him. His parents and sister had been murdered, he ran away from home, then one of his uncles was murdered, while his other uncle and his girlfriend were shot. It was one bad thing after another for Calum Hood, and it was why his grades were starting to slip. But the principal had asked all his teachers to have some consideration for him. 

Harley stirred in bed beside him. The faded colors in her hair fell upon the pillows messily. Her blue eyes were hidden from sight, tucked away beneath her lids. She asked him groggily. "Is it morning already?"

"Mhm." He replied sleepily, setting his phone back on the bed and snuggling into the warmth of her body. His arms settled around her waist as he pulled her close, inhaling her scent. At the moment, she smelled of him, as they had shared more than just a bath together. He added with a lack of enthusiasm. "We have to go to that fucking hell hole they call school."

She giggled at his words, the sound barely there, but forced her eyes open. He was in awe at her breathtaking beauty, and he wanted to stop time with her eyes looking into his. He wanted to remember it forever, a little piece of bliss in their current moments of grief. But they had to return to reality. He loosened his arms around her and she sat up in bed, stretching her arms high over her head as she let out a yawn. His soccer jersey was big on her, considering she was much shorter than him, and he grinned when he caught a glimpse of his name on the back. Hood, 17. His name on her looked good, he thought.

"I have to go home and pick up my uniform." She said with a sigh, and grabbed her own phone off the other nightstand, the one closest to her. She had placed it there after Calum helped her gather her clothes off the marble floor of the bathroom.

Her blue eyes widened in shock when she saw her phone was littered with lost calls and text messages. They were from her parents and Billy, at least, which meant that they had nothing to do with Arthur. That gave her some sense of relief.

billy: where the fuck r u?

billy: mum & dad are worried

Those had been the very first messages, followed by a few phone calls from her family. As time seemed to pass by, so did their urgency to reach her.

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