Chapter 3

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As my day goes by things were great. People who had never talked to me before wished my happy birthday and the guys who would never take a second glance at me did double takes as I walked by. Couldn't help but giggle at the thought of these guys checking me out. I've known them since grade school. It was finally lunch time and I was hungry. I was the first one from my group to get to our table. Which is weird. I'm always the last one. I looked around the cafeteria to see if I spot them and my gaze landed on the bad kids table. And he was there. The guy from chemistry. Ever so sexy as ever. Our eyes met once again and I just couldn't break our contact. He was so intense. I needed to know more of him. My eyes wondered over him. He had jet black, curly hair, deep brown eyes that could see into your soul, high cheek bones, big kissable lips, muscular arms that I would love to have around me. There was something more about him that seemed so dangerous but protective at the same time. I got all that just by looking at him. We kept staring at each other for what seems like forever. I never noticed my friends get to the table. "Yo Kit Kat!" That has to be Hera she knows how much I hate that nickname. "What?!" I turn to them. Hey when did they get here? "Girl we've been calling you name for a good 5 minuets now." Says Andrea.
They start to giggle. I know I'm blushing. "So who's the hottie your drooling over?" Asks Katherine. I think back to when we had class together and come up blank. Holy crap! How could I not ask his name?! That class went by in a blur! "Oh Kit Kat how could you not know his name? I thought you called dibs!" I laugh. "Well I guess I was too distracted by his hotness. I mean during the whole class time all I did was think of him and only him. There's something about him that has me really curious. At the same time I know I should also be cautious of him." "Sounds like you got yourself in quite a pickle Katalina." Andrea says with a smirk on her face. "His name is Michael Vladimir. He's from Russia and before he moved here he was supposedly a Count. Rumor has it that he's here to find him a new Dutchess." Says Hera. We all look at her. "What? He's been the talk of the whole school!"
As they laugh I turn back to look at Michael. To my surprise he was gone. I wonder where he left to. And too soon the bell rang. I gather my things and my uneaten lunch and head to my next class. Before I made it out of the cafeteria someone grabs me. And not just anyone. But the Michael Vladimir. "Happy birthday miss." He hands me a little blue box. I look up at him and he smiles. I take the box and open it. Inside was a sapphire blue ring. With stars and moons on it.

It was beautiful

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It was beautiful. When I looked back up to him he was gone. The rest of the day went by in a blur. I didn't see Michael again. I hardly knew the guy and I missed him so much. I never put the ring he gave me on. It just felt to weird. I didn't know what the ring mean. I mean Hera did say he was looking for his dutchess. I was so confused. There were a couple more minutes till the last bell and I was still getting cat called. Some guys even came up to me asking me out. I turned down all. I was looking forward for tonight. Tonight was bonfire night and I wasn't going to miss out this year and I wasn't going to go with a guy. I wasn't about to babysit an over grown 16 year old boy. Tonight was my night to let loose!

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