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Connor and Hank had a somewhat simple day at work, so far just one assault case.

They'd just gotten back from examining the scene and recording details, and now were walking back into the Dpd.

The moment Connor pushed open the door, he felt something was....off?

Connor shook it off, assuming it was just his nerves.

"Hey! Hank, Connor? I need you both in my office now!"

Hank rolled his eyes and mumbled under his breath.

"What the hell does he want now?"

Connor just smiled and brushed it off before approaching the door and opening it for himself and Hank.

Connor quietly held his hands in front of him whilst Hank stood looking annoyed.

"Whattya want, Fowler?"

The Captain scowled.

"Thats Captain to you, Anderson."

Fowler turned his gaze to Connor.

"The amount of deviant cases coming into the station are increasing more and more everyday after what happened with the revolution and androids getting rights and whatnot. You see, were getting more cases then we can handle so we've been considering looking for more help..."

He looked directly at Connor.

"Specifically android's"

Hank lifted a brow.

"So your tellin' me your planning on hiring more androids?"

Fowler nodded.

"I see so what doe's that-"

"Yes. And I was wondering if you would be willing to be a their mentor, Connor."

Connor looked taken aback for a moment.

"Me? A Mentor?"

Fowler chuckled at the androids reaction.

"Yes Connor, I want you to show any androids that come to work here the ropes. Lead the through crime scenes, and show'em around the station. Give them the basics and show them how things work around here."

Connor smiled widely at Captain Fowler.

"Yes of course, I'd be glad to. When should I expect to see this new officer?"

Connor hummed, holding his hands behind his back and smiling.

"Actually he should be here first thing tommorow morning, so if you get any cases tommorow, just bring him along, get him used to the crime scene environment's"

Connor easily agreed to everything and he and Hank exited Fowler's office.

Hank glanced at Connor as the two of them sat down.

"You sure your ready for this, Connor? You can always go back if you change your mind-"

Connor chuckled.

"I'll be fine, Hank. Don't worry I got this. Besides I'm glad that we'll finally be getting a new android at the station."

Connor smiled brightly, excited by the concept.

"Afterall I have been the only android here for awhile. Maybe we'll be friends and you might even like him, Hank."

Hank grimaced imagining Connor analysing evidence.

"I don't know, I can barely handle one android I don't know about two."

Silence (Rk900 x Connor)Where stories live. Discover now