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"Safira" he mumbled as he stared deep into her eyes. She stared right back, her red eyes full of love for him. The twins had to snap them out of it as they giggled to their reactions of each other. She blushed as she looked at them. Vaki smiled taking her hand, "welcome home, 'mother' "
Rova took her other hand giggling, "you'll be very happy here with us"
This made Kaname smile as he walked over to her, "come, let's go inside and show her her new home"
Safira giggled shy as she followed them into the castle. The inside was grand and beautiful, pictures of the twins and Kaname on the walls as well as a picture of zyon that the twins drew together. Safira left them as she walked over to the picture, "who is this?....... she's beautiful"
"That's our birth mother, she can't be here often" Rova said observing how interested Safira was in the picture. Vaki looked at Kaname as he smiled softly going to Safira grabbing her hand,"u might meet her someday."
She smiled and nodded snuggling into Kaname's arm holding hands as they showed her the rest of the castle. Vaki and Rova observed their father and new mother smiling as they both thought; she'll be a great queen for this world with father.
Kaname heard their inner words smiling, "go play kids, I think your new mother and I need some time"
Safira blushed as the twins laughed running off to play. He kissed her cheek and led her to his room, "my kids like you much more then I expected"
"They seem like great kids..... but I'm a bit confused" she looked at him shy and anxious, "how did I get here?"
"You were grown and born from a flower my love gave me, she can't be here with the twins and I" he explained a bit as she starred at him seeming even more confused,"so I don't have parents?"
He shook his head,"I'm sorry Safira, you were created for me...... the twins and I am your only family"
She looked down sad at the fact she didn't have parents of her own as a voice whispered in her ear only she could hear; you are special, created to love the man in front of you...... but he understands you need time, get to know him before you decide.
The voice calms her nerves as she looks up at him and smiles softly,"Can we see what happens?"
He nodded understanding just like the voice said he would, "would you like your own room for now? You may choose any room you wish"
She smiled nodding as he showed her the available rooms. She ended up picking the one a few doors down from him. He let her settle in on her own returning to his room.
She flopped on the bed blushing. There's no doubt she loves him with all her heart already but as she also felt afraid of messing up. She thought of all that's happened and the voice she heard. She sat up thinking of that voice, who was that? It was clearly a female voice but who was it? She remembered the drawing the twins made of lady zyon and said to herself,"Was it her I heard?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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