"NO," i reply trying to stand my ground.

he grabs my shirt collar and tries to shake me but fails, only to throw another beer bottle. this one throwing shard of glass onto my face and body as it shatters on the ground.

"fine, here," i say handing him ten dollars, "that's all i have."

he's too drunk to realize it's only ten dollars. he proceeds to leave my room and i can hear him swearing and muttering under his breath.

i run into my bathroom crying. i remove the glass from my face. i rinse my face of and disinfect it. i manage to sneak into the cleaning closet and grab the broom to clean up the rest of the shards.

i lie down on my bed and cry my eyes out. people say guys can't cry. i try not to but sometimes it's the best way to vent. for some reason it's considered weak if you cry, but i'm sorry i have emotions, i'm sorry i have to deal with abuse and stupid things.

i then sit up, i promised i'd text sammy.


sounds good


hey, sorry about that


no problem

what happened?






who's the one flirting now?


oh shut it

but ft?



SAMMY 🤣 would like to facetime

accept | decline

i purposely place my phone facing the ceiling. i don't know why i accepted the call, i have cuts on my face and i've been crying.

"howdy jacob," i hear sammy's voice.

"hey," i say sighing.

"what's wrong?"


"doesn't sound like nothing, also why aren't you showing your face?"

"cause i can't."

"why not?"

"because i look like shit."

"i'm almost positive jacob moore does not look like shit, and anyway i look like shit and i'm showing my face."

"you do not look like shit."

"yes i do and you pick up your phone and show your face."

i pull and blanket over my face and hold my phone.

"better?" i ask laughing

"JACOB PULL THE BLANKET OFF," sammy screams.

"shush, my dad will here you."


"family shit," i say finally pulling down the blanket, "anyway, you see why i don't wanna show my face?"

sammy goes quiet for a second, inspecting me.

"what happened?" she asks concerned, "your face is cut and you've been crying."

i look away embarrassed, "promise you won't tell anyone."


"how can I trust you?"

"because the person you are talking to has a total of one irl friend and never tells secrets."

"fine, but you can't freak out."


i take a deep breath, "my dad abuses me."

she nods, "i know that isn't the full story."

"i've never met my mom, i've lived with my dad my entire life and forever he's been an alcoholic. and once i got in the industry and started making money," i took a deep breath trying not to cry, "he's been abusing me so he can take my money."

"that's awful, why don't you tell the police?"

"because i wouldn't have a place to go. i've never met any of my relatives, my dad's always to drunk to tell me about them."

"what about someone from the group chat?"

"i don't want to ask them, that seems selfish."

"asking for a place to stay for your own health is not being selfish."

"still..." i let myself trail off, she has a good point.

"think about it please, i care about you and everyone else does."

"i will," i say lying, i deserve the abuse.

"does anyone else know?" sam asks.

"addison does, only cause we dated like two years ago."

"i'm surprised she kept the secret," sam says, "she seems like someone who like to spill things."

"she likes to spill basic things but person privacy she keeps private and doesn't spill."

sammy nods, "anyway, i've got to go, keep me updated?"


and like that the facetime call ends and i'm left back to fend for myself.


i love will. he's adorable. also i had my math final today rip.

when you guys vote and comment i feel more motivated to post and share my stories with you so if you're enjoying my stories it would be amazing if you could press the vote button and i like to see people's reactions so please comment when reading!

instagram: @//dreamsjulianna

twitter that i never use: @//wishing_yaya

1035 words

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