Chapter 8: P

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I felt automatically groggy and slow when I opened my eyes. My window however seemed to show the opposite while letting the sun's rays shine in. I rubbed my eyes and scratched my head with an odd feeling that I forgot something.

*buzz buzz*

Picking up my phone and reading that I had 5 missed phone calls from Tyler reminded me exactly what I forgot.

I pulled on my grey shirt and some navy blue jeans. As I ran outside and kissed my Aunt and little sister goodbye, I slipped my grey converse on. I ran to the bus corner while checking my watch and bumped into the other 2 musketeers.

"It's about time, we've been waiting for like ever."

"Tyler, you called only like half an hour ago."

Showing a little bit of embarrassment he said, "Whatever lets get going."

"Where's Brooke?"

"She's already there, she didn't feel like waiting for you so she left."

He shrugged and we walked all the way to the park. My stomache felt a little bit tight even though this whole "Ultimate Saturday" thing wasn't really a big deal. Or maybe it wasn't the Saturday that was making me weasy. Maybe it was Brooke.

My thoughts got cut off as tyler grabbed my arm and dragged me into the crowd. He immediatly found Brooke and she smiled when we walked up next to her.

"Someone decided to wake up today," Brooke joked while nudging me. I chuckled and directed my attention to the guy on the platform.

He cleared his throat to get the other's attention then introduced himself.

"Hello everyone, my name is Mathew Pakt, and I'm very glad you all came today! So first off lemme just ask how many of y'all are freshmen?" About 80% of the people here raised up their hands, including me, Brooke, and Ty. Mathew and the two guys on his right side clapped, hooped and hollared.

"That's great! Well this is going to be a great experience for you guys. And the rest of you don't spoil it for them, " and he winked. One of the other guys began to pass out maps and when we got one I gasped because it said at the top how much the prize was.

"So all you have to do is find the RIGHT key. And then find the box and you win! Now this little competition is going to be overnight but I promise it's going to be completley safe. However I do understand if any of you still feel uncomortable with the idea and if you do you can go ahead and leave." I'd say about only 2 or 3 people left but that's it.

He continued and said that we would start with lunch. All the groups got about 100 dollars to spend if they needed it. Then with that we were off on our "own".

"So, where to boys," Brooke asked sarcastically while waving the money in front of Tyler and me.

I snatched the money out of her hand and shoved it down my pocket.

"How about we don't wave it around?"

She rolled her eyes and got on her skateboard, heading towards subway. Me and Tyler ran along and when we entered the air conditioned building we sat on the chairs.

"Tyler go get the Cold Cut Combo," he nodded and I gave him about $10 so he could get a drink or something.

The food came and we made small talk here and there. However I didn't mind talking because I was tired as it is.

"So boys, where to first?" Brooke began to point to Mathew's house on the map hinting she wanted to go.

Tyler rolled his eyes, "shouldn't we go find the key or whatever first?"

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