Chapter 18: No Regrets

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Our suspension was over. The 72 hours had passed and we all geared up for school. I took my time on the way to the bus stop, really taking in the morning scenery, as one does.

"Hey Jade!"

"Tyler, my home slice!" I gave him a fist bump and he put his arm around me,

"Today's gonna be great."

Two small hands wrapped around my stomach and I turned around to see a beautiful girl.



"Okay...I'm gonna be over here..while....yeah." Tyler moved to the side and hung out with a few other neighbors.

Me and Brooke. A thing. A couple. Two people in love.

We starred into each other's eyes, knowing what to do, but no clue what to say.

"You should kiss me."

"Should I?"

She laughed and kissed me. I held her by the waist as she wrapped her arms around me. There was no passing time, because we were in our own little world and it was perfectly okay.

She suddenly licked my bottom lip and I backed up.

"You've never done that before."

Her cheeks flushed red, "I-I in sorry. I just, wasn't thinking it kinda just-"

"It's okay, I liked it."

She smiled and looked down. Her hair covering her grey eyes I loved too much. I nudged her arm softly,

"Wanna come over after school?"

She crossed her arms and put her authoritative face on, "I will not be a teen mother."

I laughed so hard Tyler came over and started to tickle me to make it worst. Brooke joined in and I was down on the floor. I continued to try to fight but it was useless. With Tyler's strength and Brooke's skill, there was no way I was getting out.

Until the bus came.

Thank the lord for answerin' my prayers.

The bus ride was a blur, until we got inside the school. As soon as we entered, people we've never even looked at smiled and patted us on the back. Even the girl with the crop top and evil boyfriend nodded at us with approval.

"What the hell is going on," Brooke whispered.

"I'm not sure," Tyler continued, "but I love it."

"He sent it out. Everybody knows about what happened on Saturday because Mathew Pratt sent it out."

And it was true. People congratulated us and gave us high fives. It was pretty cool, I'm not gonna lie.

Sadly though, the day had to end.

Once the bus dropped us off, we all looked at each other. Astonished at what we had actually done, and that we were still alive.

"Guys, I love Yall," Tyler grabbed me and Brooke and hugged us tightly.

"Even though suspension is gonna be on my record forever, I don't regret a thing."

Brooke hugged his arm, "Me neither."

We walked home quietly, and said our good nights at our driveways. Brooke gave me a kiss, and walked into her house.

As I knocked on my front door, my aunt answered.

"Come in sweetie I'm making pizza."

I threw my backpack on the couch and walked over to the hall, "can I go to my room?"

"Yeah sure, I'll call you when it's ready." She smiled and went back to the oven.

I walked into my room and closed the door quietly.

It didn't look like my room anymore to be honest. As if I've been sleeping in the wrong room the whole time. Maybe it was the picture of my parents I kept in my mattress. Or the pack of cigarettes I had in my closet. Could be my anti depressant pills I had on my shelf. I won't ever be sure what it is.

But for now, I decided that i would leave it this way. Just as a reminder.

The pizza was ready, and I honestly ate like a pig. I thanked my aunt and went to my bedroom to sleep, until the phone rang.


"Open your window."

I left the phone on my nightstand confused, and looked outside. Brooke was standing there holding something behind her back.

I pushed up the window and leaned on the rail suspicious.

"Brooke what is that?"

"A token of my love!"

She pulled out a small stereo and her phone connected to it. A song began to play.

It was Stuck In the Middle With You.

"I thought you were gonna play something sappy for a second there."

She gagged dramatically, "NO WAY!"

I motioned her to climb through my window and she did just that. As I helped her in she rolled onto the floor.

"Ugh I always loved your carpet."

I chuckled quietly, trying to reach for her hand.

"I know you do."

She sat up instantly like a small puppy and looked around the room.

"Where is your candy bowl."

"Under my bed like usual." She ducked under and pulled out 4 starburst.

"FAVORITESSSS." She began to pop them in her mouth when my aunt yelled, "Jade me and your sister are going to the movies wanna come?!"

"What movie?!"

"A PWINCESS MOVIEEEE," my sister screamed/squeaked.

Brooke giggled under her breathe, "Nah I'll stay home. You have fun. Especially you squirt!"

With that the door closed and locked. I stood up and sat on my bed messing with the sheets.

"So," Brooke whispered awkwardly.

"They're gonna be gone for a while."

Brooke sat next to me.


Silence was between us. We both knew what we wanted to do, but didn't know what to say.

In a swift moment, Brooke crawled on my lap and wrapped her legs around me.

She whispered in my ear, "You should kiss me."

"Should I?"


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