Chapter One. The First Day.

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As I walk into Brookville Middle School on a cool October morning on my first day I start getting a little more nervous per step. I didn't know anyone here, I'm an only child, and I'm not even sure how to pronounce my homeroom teacher's name. I was in my black North Face jacket, skinny jeans, and my Chuck Taylor's on walking down the blue and white checked floor looking for Mrs. Allenaway's room. Finally I found it and knocked on the door. I had come about 5 minutes early to meet her at her request.

So let me introduce myself. My name is Callie Mae Knight and I'm 13. I have dark red, straight, long, hair, brown eyes, and light skin. My mom and I just moved to Pennsylvania from Boston, Massachusetts. The reason my mom and I moved here is because my parents got a divorce a last April. My mom and I left to a new apartment for a couple of months, and now we are I'm one of those girls who cry unless you know I break something or get seriously. I have this fear of letting people see me cry so I ever cry emotionally. I'm a Boston Red Sox fan and I play volleyball. My best friend back home is Allie Hathaway and I still text her everyday. Allie was my other half and we did everything together. I was always at her house or she was always at mine. We went to the mall every other weekend. Both of our moms were best friends too.

Mrs. Allenaway (which is pronounced like Al en a way) is super nice. She has blonde hair and green eyes. Her room is really colorful and she seems like a really happy person.

As I was walking to my blue locker and started to unpack the buses started to arrive. Seniors flooded the place going to their lockers acting like they own the place. I was looking over my confusing schedule when she asked me if I was new here. She introduce her self as Morgan Marsh, she had blonde hair and blue eyes and was very tall, but yet very skinny. She explained my schedule and turns out me and her have most of our classes together.

The first bell rang of the day and it was off to homeroom. Morgan and I walked to Mrs. Allenaway's room. Then I was off to history, without Morgan. Science was my next class, with Morgan. Another class with Morgan, which was algebra. After algebra Morgan and I walked down the blue and white hallways all the way to the cafeteria, but we both walked to each others lockers together to grab our lunches.

At lunch we both ate our sandwiches and while I ate my peanut butter granola bar and apple, she ate her Twinkie and fruit cup. After lunch we put our lunch pales back in our lockers, I went to English and she went history. After the whole day was done I walked to my new bus which was number 18 to go to my new house which was barely unpacked. The whole bus ride I texted Allie, I had 30 minute bus ride home, so I had plenty of time to text her.

When I got off of my new bus I walked down my long driveway and up to my new house. It is an old white and green farmhouse, surrounded by woods, with a pond, a creek, and barn. But I doubt we will ever use the barn. I've been in the top part of the barn (I believe it's called a hay loft right?) it's pretty cool up there. The previous owner left a mounted basketball hoop and some basketballs up there, so the one time I went up there I played basketball with myself for a long time. So anyways when I finally got up the driveway and entered my new house. My mom was in our huge kitchen making dinner. She paused and she asked how my day was. I told her about Morgan and Mrs. Allenaway.

I went up to my room that my mom had painted for me when I was at school for a suprise. It was this ugly beige color, now it's a very pretty teal. She had told me on the way down from our little apartment in Boston that we couldn't paint my room because we wouldn't have enough money. I screeched as soon as I saw it and said, "Mom oh my gosh! My room it's pretty! It's blue! It's decorated! It's unpacked!" She had unpacked, decorated, and painted my room all in one day. Well I guess she had last night too because I stayed at my grandma's house last night who lives down the road.

"So do you like it," she asked me as she didn't already know the answer.

"Yessss! How could I not?"

"Well I didn't know if you would like the color or not."

"Mom, I love it so much. Thank you thank you thank you," I said while giving my mom a bear hug!

I stayed in my room for awhile just to look at it. We had been living here for a week and I now don't have to see that ugly beige every time I want to go to my room. My mom called down for dinner. She had made pork chops, corn on the cob, and apple pie for dessert. My mom is a excellent chef and baker and her food is always perfect.

During dinner she said she had some good news for me, "So I was thinking," she said.

"Yessss what have you been think about," I excitedly asked whole sitting on the edge of my seat.

"Since it's only me and you, without Maggie and Max (which are our two dog's names that live with my dad, incase you didn't know) I was wondering if you would like to get two small dogs. So would you?"

"Oh my gosh yes yes yes!"

"I already placed my request for the dogs online, because I knew you would obviously say yes, so after school we are gonna pick them up."

"Ok thank you thank you thank you momma!"

So how can this day get any better new pups, a new (hopefully) friend, and a new awesome room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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