Prince of Seduction

Depuis le début

I closed my eyes in laxity .When I heard the twisting of the knob.I knew who it was.The foot steps were approaching towards me.

"What was that...?"the authoritative voice questioned me.

"The truth.."I replied still closing
my eyes.

"We made a mistake...what should U do to return the favor he did by saving my daughter's life..."yeah Daddy sighed .

"I did it Daddy don't bother yourself for smaller matter..."I spoke unconcerned but whom I was joking?Daddy or myself!

"Still I have doubt on his intentions...does he really an ordinary man or he too have some motives or he wanted to enter in our good list to gain our trust..."Daddy put his point of view and I can't ignore his queries .

He has experience of years and he can
distinguish between good or bad.

"Again I will say Daddy that don't bother yourself ,I gave the task of checking his background to Naren.His entire biography will be on your breakfast table..."I said raising my dizzy body from the chair.

"Now where are you going..look at yourself ,you aren't sober enough
to walk on your feet..."Daddy
eyed me.

"I am going to my room only Daddy.."I answered and give him a flying kiss to lighten his temper.He don't like my drinking habit.

"Hmm but drink oftenly ..."he reminded me for the billionth time.

I made my way to my room to get a small nap before resuming my work but my legs didn't cooperate with my mind .I didn't know when they led
me to the guest room .

The door was open ajar .I heard some familiar voices coming from the room.They were my men.My hand raised to push the door but I flinched back as the inner battle between my head and heart still didn't reach to
the conclusion.

Taking few seconds to prepare myself to maintain my iconic demeanour in front of him ,I lightly pushed the door and stepped inside deliberately clattering my heals on the wooden floor to remind them of my presence.

Naren who was leaning on the  corner table looked at me and straightened his posture while other bowed their head in respect.From his facial expressions I must tell he wasn't happy with the presence of that handsome stranger .

I have the strong intuition that Naren had crush or infatuation towards me but he knew his status in front of us .This is the reason he never showed his that side to me but seeing my soft side for the stranger ,he had a tinge of obvious jealousy towards the
same specie.

"I need to exchange few words with him..."I stated in dictatorial tone.

They understood my unsaid meaning and left the room except Naren
who stood still.I glared at him for
his this insolence.

"He is not letting maid or servant to feed him as his hands are...."he paused,"are wounded that will take a couple of week to get healed.."he completed .

"I'll handle can leave now.."I ordered him to save the stranger from his sharp cursing glares.

He left having no other option than to obey me.The room had two of us and the silence only.I glanced at the untouched plate .I took the plate and sat across him on the stool.

"Open your mouth..."I kinda ordered him.

"I am not hungry.."he bluntly
denied me.

This man had great guts to act stubborn in front of me.

"I am not asking you but ordering you.."I dangerously whispered near his face,"Now open your mouth like an obedient refugee.."

"Refugee.. seriously..I am a captive here.."he mocked me again!

"Whatever I don't care now stop wasting my time , you're not realising with whom you're talking..?"I said proudly flaunting my identity.

"I know with whom I am talking.."he hushed sexily raspy voice which shuddered me down to the core.

"With..wh..whom.."I whispered
totally losing my senses in his magical masculine aura.

"The girl with most charming face and
a beautiful heart beating inside her.."he said causing me to look at him with shock.

No one even adorned me with such words.

"I am waiting..."he husky voice reached to my ears.

"Hah.."I confusingly stared at him.

"I am waiting.."he said eyeing at the spoonful of chicken and mushroom stew in my hand which I was holding near his mouth.

ReaChakravarti aesana0710
He  cast spell his charm on the heartless.

Will she easily melt away in his temptating attempts.

Stay tune to know further and don't forget to touch the star icon.

~~Trishla Singh😊😊😊

Taming the Heartless (#blooming potents) (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant