And he just walked away.

Oh my god! We drove my car! He doesn't even have a ride home! Fuck I hope he isn't going to try and walk all that way. But knowing his personality, I have a feeling that would be his plan.

I run out of the store with the album in hand. "Luca!" I look all around. I don't see him anywhere, he's just gone. My heart sinks. I need to find him, to apologize for being such a bitch. I really need to stop fucking up. If I would just calm down and think things through before I said them, this wouldn't be such a problem.

"So now you care?" A voice says from behind me.

I turn quickly, relief washing over me, "Luca!"

He's leaning against wall right outside the shop entrance, his feet and arms crossed. His sunglasses are off and hanging loosely from his gray shirt, his vivid eyes are staring right into mine.

I run straight at him and hug him, burying my face into his neck. I think it surprised him because he tensed up for a moment, "I'm so sorry.... I shouldn't have said any of that. I didn't think before I said it. I just got nervous and scared for a moment and I panicked. I'm really sorry, I swear." I still don't trust him 100% but I'm glad he didn't just completely leave and try and walk home.

He doesn't say anything in response, just wraps his arm around me, holding me against his chest.


Luca's P.O.V.

Yeah, maybe she was a jerk. And maybe she called me a jackass when I was buying her a gift. And maybe she called me untrustworthy. But when she ran up and hugged me like she was all worried, I couldn't just push her away. I physically couldn't get myself to shove her back.

I'm still kinda angry but it was just adorable when she came running out calling my name. And the look of pure relief that crossed her face when she saw me made me want to smile.

She had wrapped her arms around me tightly and I, in return, wrapped an arm around her loosely. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to hug her tight and never let go but I still don't forgive her for what she did. Gosh, I feel like a little girl hurt by her boyfriend, over emotional. Is this what PMS is like? How do girls deal with that crap?

That stuff was supposed to be painful, but every time a girl goes through that, it's like they get the strength of an Ox and the scream of a Banshee. It's actually quite scary. I had an ex girlfriend who was going to spend the day with me on her period and I swear to god I lasted a solid thirty minutes with her before a huge fight and that was it; our three week relationship was over. Is that bad?

Back to the subject.

"Thank you... For the cd I mean... I've wanted it for a while... Means a lot to me...." she said softly, still not removing herself from against me. She held on tighter, seemingly trying to get closer. I don't know what's going on, but she must feel really bad.

I still don't say anything. I want to say something but everything I want to say would lead this conversation into a really long emotional one that I am not prepared for.

"I said I was sorry... I really am.... Please don't just ignore me...." She looks up at me, her beautiful sea green eyes shimmering. I brushed a strand of hair behind her ear with my free hand before speaking.

"I am not untrustworthy. You may have been right about the Jackass thing but I'm not untrustworthy. I swear I won't tell anyone those things. You can tell me. I won't hurt you." She needs to know she can trust me. I get it, some shit happened in her past and now she's scared of letting people anywhere near her. I understand. I'm a lot of things though, but I'm not untrustworthy.

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