2. How to say I love you (BL)

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Ok I know no one's really reading this LOL but so sorry for that one update then BAM you ain't hearing from me for like a week haha. I blame my uber slooooooow internet and my college hell week (thesis defense) *ehem* and I was dead drunk this weekend *ehem*

● let's get on with it ●

Author: 風流書呆 - Fengliu Shudai (same author as FOD)

My Reading Status: Chapter 86(?), Currently reading MTL (Machine Translation) of Chinese Raws

Link to Translated Chapters: Novel Updates (novelupdates.com/series/how-to-say-i-love-you/)

Link to Chinese Raws: lewen.la (m.lewen.la/chapters_33093/1)

Novel's Status: Completed, 136 Chapters + 1 Extra

Translation's Status: 11 chapters translated, updates are sporadic - no set schedule for updates

My Sypnosis:
MC (Xiao Jiashu) is what you would call a second generation scum. OR what others portray him to be. In reality he's a sweet kid who's striving hard to be noticed after constantly being overshadowed by his perfect older brother.

ML (Ji Mian) is the popular grand slam movie emperor in China's film industry. Worn down and unmotivated with his career, he now plans to retire from the industry together with his 24 year old assistant-turn-boyfriend.

When Jiaoshu entered the entertainment circle, after his actress-turn-housewife mother pulled the strings, Ji Mian had thought that Jiaoshu is just an annoying rich second generation who had never worked in his life. At the end, Jiaoshu never retained his job as an assistant to the close minded actor.

In a freak accident which involves aliens, a car crash, and a trip to the hospital, Ji Mian found himself able to read minds. Not only that, Ji Mian also found himself thinking that good-for-nothing brat is kinda ... cute?

Tags: Acting, Celebrities, Charismatic Protagonist, Cohabitation, Couple Growth, Cute Protagonist, Devoted Love Interests, Marriage, Modern Day, Movies, Older Love Interests, Protagonist Loyal to Love Interest, Showbiz, Slow Romance, Special Abilities

Reader's corner:
Okay another shitty sypnosis. Get use to it, grammar isn't really my forte.

● MC: Jiaoshu is a hecking cutie, and I much prefer him to Zhou Yun Sheng (suck it :P). Just that I'm kinda over with chinese authors and their emphasis with beauty. I mean I like reading good looking characters and protags, but this author, Fengliu Shudai, is really guilty with doing this. You could observe it from the author's flowery descriptions of Zhou Yun Sheng's (Face of the Devil) countenance and how so many people are inlove with him. Because he's beautiful everything is forgiven (LOL FU).
Just rubs me the wrong way.
What I like about this is the author tone it down with Jiaoshu, but it still irks me when I come to read it.
Score: ☆☆☆☆ / ☆☆☆☆☆

● ML: Yeah, likewise, I much prefer Ji Mian compared to the ML in FOD. That's because I could see the development of their relationship. BUT ONE THING. I just found it uncomfortable how the ML is developing feelings for the MC when he's still in a relationship with his ex boyfriend. Like ignoring his ex boyfriend then paying attention to Jiaoshu.
Score: ☆☆☆☆ / ☆☆☆☆☆

● Plot: Very good! As expected of this author, they really write good stories.
Score: ☆☆☆☆☆ /☆☆☆☆☆

● Relationship dynamic: Not much to comment here because I haven't read it completely. But based from the other reviews from NU, MC is said to be dependent to ML and has his full trust on him. While ML is said to be a loyal dog type haha
Score: ☆☆☆☆ /☆☆☆☆☆

● Cannon fodder's/Supporting Character's/Villains: Can't really remember the name of the ex-boyfriend, but I find him really pitiful. He has this victim mentality and inferiority complex that he thinks that he is better than Jiaoshu because all of what he has came from his hardwork, not mentioning that his career came from ML. When MC is successful, he thinks that the world is unfair because some people has it all. And you know I like underdogs, however with this one I found him to be such a jealous person. You might say that he's "realistic" but not all people are like that. If you have the means to turn your life around, you just do it, no need to be a negative nancy about why their life are like this and that. *sigh*
Nonetheless, I really like the author's way of shaping the supporting characters. I find their motives logical, they're not just there for face-slapping lol
Score: ☆☆☆☆☆ / ☆☆☆☆☆

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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