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Rays of sunlight hits my face till it scorches. I am not normal,i know i am not normal but people see me to be normal. Today was the election for class president and i hadnt even prepared a speech. "Its only normal boys who write speeches" i thought. I twist and stretch myself to wierd angles and hear a 'crack' at my joints. I step into the shower and twist it to lukewarm as i enjoy the soothing fee of running water on my body i cant help but notice how lucky i am.A customized iphone 6, a master suite bedroom for me alone,and a closet full of clothes and shoes.What else would a nearly sixteen year old need?

Things were not so rosy at first. Being the guy with big glasses,skinny arms and teeth braces in school with poor grades,and coming home with a rumbling stomach only to find out that dad had not come home from his 5-dollar an hour job and mum had gone on her night shift without cooking anything because there was nothing to cook was very hard to comprehend. As i said earlier i am not normal .

A year ago i kept coming across a sequence of numbers in school any math test we were given i would write that same sequence to the questions given and of course i got them wrong most of the time...if not all of the time. In chemistry class tge story was not so different. On the way to school ,worse...i would see that sequence of numbers on advertisement billboards,phone numbers of the home delivery pizza,and even on the sweater that my best friend, Lucas wore. It was becoming too much and i knew that i had to do something otherwise i would go insane then an idea struck me like a bolt of thunder from Zeus himself......

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