Chapter 31 - Hi, I'm Hunter Emerson. It's nice to meet you.

Start from the beginning

“Thank you.”

He just continued to smile, and held my hands. It was now my turn to ask questions, “So what about your family?”

He didn’t hesitate to answer, “Only child. My mom had trouble getting pregnant. I had tons of friends and cousins. My parents are both gone sadly. My dad died in a car accident when I was 14. He was a fisherman. Fell asleep at the wheel one night because he was exhausted. He hit an on coming car. Killed the other driver and himself instantly. My mom died two days after I graduated high school. She had cancer. She at least saw me graduate, that’s what mattered.” He smiled. 

The waitress came over with our plates, “Here you go.”

Hunter, and I both looked up at her. She carefully set down each of our plates in front of us. “The waitress goofed up our orders.” He switched our plates, “There much better.”

I laughed because, we’d ordered the same thing. He had an excellent sense of humor.

“There’s that laugh I love.”  he smiled at me.

I blushed, and started eating. The food was amazing.

He grabbed a piece of fettucini, “Open your mouth and hold onto one end ok.”

I did as he asked. Well he put the other piece in his mouth. We both ate until our lips met. His soft lips against mine were amazing. He slowly pulled away, and sat back down, “Always wanted to do that. I’ve never had a special girl, to try it with. Well you can’t do it alone.”

I laughed and continued eating.

We finished our dinner, when the waitress returned, “Desert?”

Hunter looked at me, and I shook my head. “Check is all we need please.” he smiled and she set down the bill. He looked at it nonchalantly and left some cash on the table. He walked over and reached out for my hand. I stood up and took his and left

Once we were outside he wrapped and an arm around my waist, “So I was thinking we could share an ice cream? If that’s ok with you?”

I smiled and wrapped my arm around his waist. “That sounds lovely. You know this is sounding like a date.”

He smiled, “I wouldn’t call it a date. Those are usually planned. I would call this,” he smiled and stopped looking at me. “the day I met the girl I will one day marry.”

I blushed a deep red. “You seem quite sure of that.” I replied. “We’ve only just met.” I couldn’t fight the smile that spread across my face.

“Haven’t you heard of love at first sight.”

I laughed, “Alright you got me there.” He kissed me gently and we started walking again. 

We were at the ice cream shop and looked over the menu, “Any idea what you would like?”

I looked over the menu, “I think I want a small dish of black raspberry.”

Hunter stepped up to the counter, “How about a medium dish and we can share?”

I nodded, “Alright.”

He ordered the ice cream and I waited to the side. “I’ve got the goods.” Hunter smirked carrying the ice cream.

I laughed as we walked back to my truck. I opened the back so we could sit on the bed. “Nice truck. Your dad’s?” he asked.

I nodded, “How could you tell?”

He laughed hopping up on the back, “The way you light up when you see it.”

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