Masky shrugged as he backed out of the doorway to you room and you two were left staring at each other in confusion.

BEN started slowly nodding his head as he climbed off of you and on to the other side of the bed."I think we were being too loud up here." He suggested quietly. You nodded your head in sync with him. "I was thinking the same thing.."

You ran into Cal while you two were walking out of your bedroom, she looks so tired it gives you reason to believe she got the same message, it must've woken her up. That or it's just her eyes still bein' swollen. One of the two.

"Morning, (Y/n)." Cally said through a yawn.

"Morning, Cal." You said as you leaned in for a hug. "How're you feeling?"

She shrugged and held her face as she said "Pretty sore and my eye hurts, but otherwise okay.. What about you, girl?"

You instinctively straightened out your back thinking about the throw that guy did with your body against that wall. "My back's a little sore.. but it's not disabling." You smiled.

"I hope you're okay;" She started. "Would you wanna head downstairs and talk some more? Ol' Slendy wants to have a word with me.."

You raised your eyebrows as your suspicions had been confirmed. What could Slender want with the both of us? Did we fail at our mission?

"Yeah, that sounds good." You say as you place your hand on the railing going down. "Let's go."


Just as the three of you turned into the kitchen your guys' chatting and laughing got shut down with a ground breaking

You and your sister stared in awe at the entire household standing around the island counter with smiles and arms raised; Slenderman, Masky, Hoodie, Sally and Charlie, Kai, Jeff, E.J., Toby, Jane, Smile, and even L.J, who, was swiping icing off of the cake sitting on the countertop, by the way.

"I'm happy for you guys, you guys deserve this cake more than me and Charlie!" Sally exclaimed as she hopped up and down.

"Wha-What is this," You turned slightly and softly sat your hand on BENs chest, just above his heart. "Did you know this was gonna happen?"

You turned your head fully toward him and was met with his charming signature goofy smile staring back at you with sharp eyes.

"Surprise, girls." Was the only thing he said before he led you over to the counter.

"(Y/n) gets the first slice since she got the first kill." Slenderman stated, passing you a paper plate. "Cally gets the second slice since she got the second kill. Anyone can take which slice after that."

"Cally gets the biggest slice since she got the biggest ass kicking, too!" Jeff exclaims. You watched as Jane prepared the back of her hand for impact before she back-handed Jeff like yesterdays bitch with just a little bit of satisfaction. Watching him get hit always feels nice. It sends a shiver of cold joy down your spine. Even more so when he pouts afterward.

"I'm okay with this~" Cally chuckled and gave a thumbs up as she leaned up against the counter. "So, what kind of cake is this?"

"One half is a pearly white french vanilla cake with buttercream icing, the other half is a chocolate cake with triple fudge." L.J. says with pride. "Quite delicious if you ask me!"

"Oh wow, sounds fancy! You really did a great job with this." Cally exclaimed. L.J. laughed as he passed you your slice of cake off on to your plate, truly enjoying the sudden joke Cally must've told.

"Oh heavens, I didn't make this! I stick to candy, my dear." L.J. laughed some more. "But I'm sure Jane says you're welcome!"

And with that Cal got her own slice of cake, which, is actually slightly bigger than the slice on your plate.. Suuuppose Laughing Jack took what Jeff said to heart.. Nevertheless, you waited to eat your own slice until everyone got their own, and so did Cal. Once everyone got their share we all piled out on to the front porch and sat around there talking. There was porch furniture out there for sure, but certainly not enough to cover everyone so you pulled up a piece of floorboard and got comfy.

While you sat there waiting for everyone to get out here and find their seat you really started to put things into perspective.. Everyone was celebrating your first offense at murder with cake and a party. It all sounds so backwards to you, put that way... But the right way to put it would be you're celebrating your first official day here, if that makes sense? You officially belong here, there's no place out there for a cold-killer.
The more you thought about it the deeper in thought you were getting; that was, until, somebody sat right next to you.

"Hey there," Cally said excitedly. "enjoying the party? I am!" She asked. You nodded.

"I am, I really wasn't expecting such a big deal made out of this!" You exclaimed through small giggles.

"Right? I'm glad they did this, I haven't had cake in such a long time, I think I'm in love (Y/n)." She joked. "Remind me to stay on Janes' good side would ya?"

'She's so right.' You thought. The last time you had cake was when Callys friend Christian threw her a surprise 14th birthday party. ..You wonder how he's doing.. or if he even made it through...

"You okay?" Cally asked, resting her hand your wrist. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothi-" You were cut off with a booming voice over-riding yours.

"Okay, children, calm down." Slender said motioning his arms going down. "Let's talk about these two." He turned his body, extending an arm out to motion to us, then turned his head toward you and stared down upon us with what looks like it could almost be a smile.
"These two are very new here and have already shown us something very valuable. These are two new people who are willing to throw their past lives, their past beliefs, and their past selves away to be with us. To be one of us. They've proven themselves loyal, caring individuals that I am proud to have here staying with us."

You sat there staring up at him with widened eyes and an aching heart. No one has ever said anything like that before. Not in this fashion; never, ever, ever, did you expect it, either.

Cally sat there kinda fidgeting in her spot, she doesn't enjoy being center of attention, but you could still see it in her face and in her eyes that she was appreciative.

"Keep this up, children. You'll have a spot here forever." Slender said with a nod.

You looked down at your plate with a smile. A smile so big you couldn't possibly hide it, but, you still tried..  Forever, huh?

"And you'll," You heard a familiar voice say from behind you. "Always have a spot right. Here." You turned around and seen BEN giving himself a hug with his own arms. He.. He may or may not be saying he's always be there for hugs and affection and in general, but... You-, You just weren't sure.

"Getting a little lonely there, BEN? I'll give you a hug, damn, that's just pitiful!" Cally joked. She started laughing so much she had to set her cake down on the floor. BEN cocked his head to the side with a quizzical look plastered on his face, which suddenly turned to shock, which then suddenly to a playful roll of the eyes.

"Not a hug I'd want from you!"

You threw your arms out and pretended to fall onto him while you lovingly say,
"It's the thought that counts, BEN."

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