"I already told you, I'm finding you an outfit," Alicia said annoyed. She tossed out a dark blue strapless and it landed on the heap on the floor. "I know that, but couldn't you just keep the clothes on the hangers?" I asked finally making my way beside her.
"Can you go dress shopping without a movie montage?" Alicia asked. I looked to the floor defeated. "No." It was true, for as long as Alicia and I knew each other, through our first jobs at a Taco Bell to first group dates with strangers to dancing at a club (me not drinking and being her safe ride home), she knew that whenever I was buying a dress or she was that I would have to have a movie montage.

Let's just say they were one of my favorite things in the world, okay?

Alicia grabbed a green flowing tank top and a black pair of skinny jeans. "Maybe a black leather jacket?" Alicia asked herself.
"Sure," I agreed.
"Ooh! But you need good jewelry!" Alicia exclaimed.
"That's good too," I said shrugging.
"Wrong, it's perfect," she corrected. I rolled my eyes and she handed me the outfit. "Go change, you've got some old people to impress," Alicia ordered with a smile. I did as she said and went into the bathroom.


"You're gonna love my mom's lasagna," Jacob told me, his finger rubbing my knuckles. I smiled. Jacob was sitting next to me, Jacob's dad Tom was across from me, and Marisa was going to sit across from Jacob. Marisa sat down the plate of lasagna and clasped her hands together. "Dinnertime!" she exclaimed. I smiled as she sat down. I was nervous. The girl meeting the parents was nervous when it should be the other way around. I guess if my parents were still alive, Jacob could get sweaty palms and shaky and stutter over his words...

I looked over at Jacob and contained my laughter. Trying to see my mate like that was closer than impossible.

"So Jacob, what's been new with the pack?" Marisa asked as she scooped cottage cheese on her plate. I looked over to Tom who was already digging into his lasagna. "A couple months ago we got attacked by a pack called Thunder Woods. Their alpha, Vincent he was slowly taking over pack by pack and land by land. He also had taken over Astrid's pack thirteen years ago," Jacob explained scooping himself lasagna. After passing it to me, I made sure to get enough that I could possibly want. Seeing that Tom ate it like he hadn't been fed in days, I knew better than to take the rest. I grabbed a piece of garlic bread and took a bite.

"That must have been very tragic and scary for you, Astrid," Marisa said. I shrugged and swallowed. "Being that I killed him later and got his pack situated out, he wasn't really a problem," I replied. Marisa let out a laugh. "A Luna taking out such a horrid alpha is a joke. No Luna could ever do that," Marisa scoffed. I chewed my bite of lasagna slowly and swallowed. Remember, she accept what she alphas are, Jacob reminded.

I didn't look at him. I didn't reply. I just stared at Marisa.

"Actually, I'm a she alpha. I've never been a Luna. Just a she alpha or an alpha female," I corrected.
"Alpha female huh? That's impressive," Tom said.
"Thank you," I replied.
"Thomas, don't encourage the girl!" Marisa hissed. Tom bowed his head and went back to the lasagna. "There's nothing to encourage Marisa, I'm a she alpha and it's settled. It has been for a while and considering you weren't around and can't accept that fact that it's not the 50s anymore and there's such thing as a she alpha isn't my problem," I told her. Marisa placed a hand to her chest. "Why I never heard such a tongue on a Luna," Marisa said, she made sure the word was more important than the others, making my blood boil. I glared at her. "I'm a fucking she alpha!" I yelled.
"Astrid!" Jacob snapped. He grabbed my wrist and I looked down, realizing I had stood up. I slipped my arm away and out of his grasp. "Don't Jacob, if she can't accept that I'm a she alpha than she sure as hell can't accept that I'm your mate and I'm having your baby," I replied.
"I preferred that girl Bridget that you dated, Jacob," Marisa said.

"Marisa, that girl cheated on Jacob," Tom told her.
"That doesn't mean her attitude towards me was better than this snake. You would have had beautiful babies with that girl, Jacob," Marisa replied. I felt tears prickle my eyes. "For your information the first baby we could have had died," I said feeling the burning lump in my throat.
"That should be a sign saying that you shouldn't be a mother," Marisa pretended to mumble.
"Marisa!" I tossed my napkin down on the table. "If you excuse me," I said my voice cracking at the end. I turned around and headed towards the door and tossed it open.

"Astrid, I told you she doesn't take the way you consider yourself a she alpha well!" Jacob called. He was a few steps behind me. I turned around and met my eyes to his. "And I thought I didn't have ex girlfriends of yours to worry about but apparently I'm wrong," I replied.
"Don't. I can't have stress, not if it's going to risk the life of the only child I could have left. If I don't come back, I'm sure you can find Bridget and make some other babies," I interrupted. I turned around and repeatedly told myself to not go back. I jumped into the air and shifted into my Wolf and ran.

I kept running for what seemed like hours, going past my territory until my paws begged me to stop. I collapsed under a tree and laid my head down in the grass. I sighed. I laid there for a couple of minutes until I heard a twig snap and growling. I lifted my head and sniffed the air. They were strangers, a whole pack I didn't know. I stood up and looked into the darkness of the forest to where the pack was hiding. A girl my age stepped forward, her Wolf concealed within her. She smirked and crossed her arms.

She was the alpha.

Her long blonde hair with brown highlights that went to her belly button was braided and hanging over her shoulder. She had bangs that just skimmed her eyebrows, beneath them was her grey eyes. The she alpha clicked her tongue against her teeth a couple of times as she shook her head. "Astrid, Astrid, Astrid, running away from your problems is not an answer," she told me. I swallowed. I didn't know whether to shift back and communicate with her or stay in my Wolf form, ready for anything. I watched her carefully instead, her every movement.

"You'd think a she alpha would know better," she continued, "Keeping a close watch to every pack member, staying in the loop of things, but then again you're a rookie in being a she alpha. You haven't been within the alpha ways for long, so I suggest you crawl back into your doghouse and stay the fuck out of my way." I cocked my head at her. What was she talking about? "You see Astrid, being a she alpha is hard work, hard work you wouldn't understand. You think you're some big shot because you 'created the she alpha'," she told me, "You stole my thunder Astrid, you were not the first she alpha. I was."

My eyes flickered over to her pack that was starting to surround me. I looked back at her and barked. "Of coarse I stayed hidden about it and kept in the darkness of your growing popularity. The damn bitch wanted the spotlight." Her last sentence was more for the pack members, I realized it after I heard some chuckling. Some pack members weren't in their Wolves. "I don't like you, Astrid," she said getting closer to me, "And to be honest I think you deserve no kids." Without a warning I snapped at her and fresh blood fell down from her wrist. She didn't flinch or wince.

"You have yourself a traitor, Astrid. It's someone you know, whether their in your pack, new connected family, or a friend. You have a traitor, Astrid and I suggest you figure it out," she said.

"Abigail!" someone shouted from behind me.

So guys who is the traitor???? Oh and all the paint types/colors listed in the beginning are actual colors that I found on the Home Depot website that I liked but can't decide over. :)

The She Alpha's Mark (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now