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Nina's POV

As I was walking calmly on the empty street's, wondering what I should do now.
I decided to climb walk a little more, exploring the city a little more.

I, at some point, arrived at a corn field. I could rest here, unbothered by anyone seeing me.

I walked in, stopping in the middle of it and just sitting down.
Shapeshifting does take a lot of strength, and I don't have that much because I'm just a test model.
I exhaled the air I didn't know I've been holding. I don't know why CyberLife decided to add the requirement for me to breathe. Maybe it was because humans would be scared if I didn't breathe.
I don't even need the air. But I always have the annoying urge to breathe.

I sighed as I laid down, my hands behind my head.
I closed my eyes and turned to stand-by Mode.


I woke up from the sound of footsteps.
I opened my eyes and jumped up quickly, turning around. An Android was running away from some person. I couldn't tell who was chasing him tho, because of all the corns.

He spotted me and sprinted towards me, a feared look on his face.
"Help! They're trying to get Me!" he almost yelled, grabbing my shoulders tightly. I nodded as I saw 2 guys approaching. The android continued to run as I followed close behind.
"Okay, I have a plan." I told while running.
He still looked forward, but I knew he heard me.
"Run on some roof." I finished, as he nodded.
The chase lasted a little longer, until we finally arrived at some roof.
We saw Hank getting close to us, as the Android took a sharp turn to the left, into another smaller cornfield, but I stayed still. As he tried to turn to the running Android, I grabbed him by the arm, pulling him into my direction, as I then went out the way and pushed him off the roof.
He held himself up by the edge.

89% survival chance

I gave him a glare as I started running to the android again, who was now standing at the edge of the roof.
He gave me a trustful look as I glanced over to Hank.
Connor arrived and could either save Hank or follow us. He decided to help Hank, making me sigh in relief.

"Jump off, on The Metal stairs." I Commanded as he gave me a questioning look.
"Don't you wanna come too?" He asked, as I raised an eyebrow.
"To where?" I asked.
"Jericho." He replied.
"Only androids can find it." He told as he finally jumped off the roof, as I watched him get down.

"Jericho?.." i asked myself, as i suddenly heard footsteps approaching. When I turned around and looked back up, I saw Connor stopping in front of me, but he still kept some distance.

"You're the NM000 we've been searching for so long." He said, making me giggle as I was such a big problem to them.
I crossed my arms.
"Hmh." I hummed, as he then took a few steps closer.

"You're under arrest." He told, as I took a step back, almost falling off the roof.
"Try me." I said, winking when I then jumped off the roof, landing on the stairs, but as soundless as possible.
I didn't hear any running anymore, only talking, so I suspected that they would've given up chasing me.

Turned out I was right.

Now there is one thing I need to find out..
What is Jericho?

I have no idea what to look for. Is Jericho a person? A place?
I was so curious on finding this thing called Jericho, but I know I don't be able to do it if I have no clues on what to search for.

Maybe I'll find out some other time.


I walked far away enough. What am I suppose to do now?

I looked up with a confident face.
I have made a decision.
I won't let Connor catch any deviant anymore.

I just need to find out what missions they are on and secretly always follow them.
Sounds like a plan.

I saw that it was getting dark, so I decided to wait.


It's been 2 days. In this Time, i informed myself about the location of Connor and Hank, and I found out that they almost only do deviant cases.

I went to their station, the station most androids have told me. I decided to get there as early as possible, because I decided to shapeshift into Connor. It'd be disastrous if he'd already be there.

I stopped at a line, waiting for my turn. I stepped forward, when it was finally my turn. I saw a nice looking android looking at me, asking "Can I help you?".

She had straight brown hair, tied in a pony tail.
I nodded.
"I'm here to see Lieutenant Anderson." I told in my Connor voice.
"Do you have authorization?" She asked. I stared.
Because I didn't.
I panicked as I grabbed her arm, not even knowing what I was doing.
"I need your help." I told in mind, our LED's connecting.

(What a Markus move. Ofc she ain't as powerful as Markus, it's just that this Android was weak as hecc)

She looked at me, as she nodded.
I smiled at her warmly, making her smile back.
"Lieutenant Anderson hasn't arrived yet, but you can wait at his desk." She told in her robotic voice, as I finally let go.
I nodded.
I left as I walked through some electric gate, which allowed me to enter.

I looked around, wondering which desk is his. So I looked at all the nameplates, until I saw 'Lt. Anderson'. When I saw that name, I smirked.
I sat down, taking a look at his desk. I shook my head when I was about to look more, because I realized that i don't have much time left.

I turned on his computer and looked through the files. 243 files.
I scanned all of them and saved all of their locations.
I wasn't able to predict which one their next one would be, so I need to watch Connor and Hank closely.
I suddenly heard someone enter, as I saw Connor entering the room. I quietly gasped as I stood up, hiding under the table.

He looked around, suddenly stopping at the desk I hid under. I only saw his feet moving around.
"Excuse me. Do You know what time Lieutenant Anderson usually arrives?" I heard him ask some officer.
"Depends on where he was the night before.." the officer started.
"If we're lucky, we'll see him before noon..." He finished.
"Thanks." Connor replied.

He then sat down, and i silently and nervously watched. He stood up again and seemed to walk away a little, but still being at the desk.
He looked at some stuff, analyzing Hank's desk.

I then saw another pair of feet approaching, as I already knew who it was.
"It's good to see you again, Lieutenant." Connor greeted Hank.
"Uh, Jesus.." Hank groaned, as suddenly, another unfamiliar voice was heard.
"Hank!" The person yelled.
"In my office!"

Hank went to the office as told, as Connor followed close being as well.
I heard Connor close the door behind him.
I quickly went up, pushing the dirt off my knees, as I looked around, hoping no one would become suspicious.
Luckily, no one was paying attention and was deeply focused on their work.

I sighed in relief as I left the station, proud of what I've done. Now the next thing I need to do is manipulate their next mission and save the deviant.

I stepped outside to the parking lot, shapeshifting back into my normal form, sat down in the dark where no one could see me, and waited for Lieutenant Anderson to go to his car and drive home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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NM000: Unknown Deviant (Connor x Copycat)Where stories live. Discover now