Chapter 3: Even More Secrets Revealed

Start from the beginning

Robin Hood approaches the cabinet as Neal freaks out even more. "Why don't you calm down and tell me what the problem is?" he says. "Perhaps I can assist." 

Neal stops, looking down at the ground. "Henry is trapped in Neverland with Peter Pan, who is hands down the nastiest person I've ever met. Not to mention his wife, Raven Arius, the Great Uniter, who is even more dangerous for other reasons I don't care to share," he explains. 

Mulan rebuts, "I saw Emma in that ball, not Henry."

Baelfire turns around to look at Mulan. "Listen," he begs, "I was in Neverland. The Pan's were looking for a boy - a specific boy. I - I know they had some picture of him on a scroll. They called him "The Truest Believer"." Mulan asks if he believed that to be his son. "It has to be. That's the only reason Emma would be in Neverland." He pauses, then asks. "Help me look - lots of things make portals: beans, magic mirrors, ruby slippers, some kinds of ashes."

The three begin to look when Baelfire knocks down some items. The Merry Men come in when they hear the noise. "Stand down, Little John, we're fine," Robin orders. Then, a little boy runs in Hood's direction. He grabs the boy, lifts him up, and kisses him.

"Who's this?" Baelfire asks with a smile.

"Merry Men come in all sizes," Robin explains in a childish voice, "This is my son, Roland."

Neal smiles, stepping off the chair. "I know how to get to Neverland. I know how to get to Henry." 



Killian has walked into the woods searching for animals to feed off of. Regina stares at the map, "So this whole trek has been for nothing? I told you walking was idiotic. If I can just use some magic, we can materialize in the camp and grab Henry." 

"We don't know where the camp is," Snow exclaims, "Have you been listening?" 

Jerrard butts in, "Pan will have shields against magic. I fear such an attempt would end in your death, Your Majesty. The only one with security against death here is my king."

Emma asks, "So he really can't be killed?"

"Neither of the Arius siblings can," Jerrard explains, "Each of them have a destiny which grants them the gift of true immortality. For better or for worse. Raven is to unite all races when Killian will become the next vampire king, whether he wants to or not."

David asks, "What do you mean by: whether he wants to or not?"

Jerrard sighs, "I've watched my king grow up. I know more about him than maybe even his twin sister. One thing I've always known is Killian rejects his vampire side. He's starved himself so much he can't even use his true powers." He looks to the forest where Killian was approaching. "He refuses to be the man he's meant to be, which kills him on the inside." Jerrard stops when Killian returns to the group. Killian nods, making Jerrard understand that it was time for him to return to his form as a ring. His skin begins to glow, turning him back into the small piece of jewelry. 

"I figured out a way into Pan's camp," Killian explains, "We need to use someone he trusts."

"Who? Because I guess even though he's your brother-in-law, he certainly doesn't trust you," David exclaims. 

Killian ignores the prince's explanation. "A fairy who lived here when I was about. She might still be on the island. She'd be an inside source," he tells them. "Knows all about the camp, can get us in. She might have some pixie dust left, perhaps you could fly in." 

Emma looks at Hook. "You mean fairy dust?"

David interrupts, "No. Pixie dust - it's stronger. Like nuclear fairy dust."

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