Chapter 2: (continued from chp.1)

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Its been about four and a half hours since you came back home. You hear the classic iphone text message ding. You only have that ding for Summer. You open your phone and read the text "How did it not go well? What happened?" You think for a minute and tell her youll be right over. 

Youre getting ready to cross the road and there's Rick, coming back in the portal from, well, wherever he went to. He looked up at you without a care, sat in the chair and pulled out his flask. Typical Rick. You take a deep breath and cross the street, trying not to look at him. Not saying a single word until you get to the door. "Hey Rick" you say to him. He didn't reply, but you still walked in the door, just to see Summer running out. "Hey (y/n), wanna chill out here?" and with that she pulls out a joint. "Oh girl, you know it." You replied all juiced up. "Hey Grandpa Rick, you want some?" She asks sitting on the ground near Rick, lighting up the joint. I sat across her so we were in a little circle. "Yeah why n(urrp)ot." He replies taking another sip from his flask. You smile as Summer hands you the joint smiling. She's clearly already feeling great. You take a hit, and it hits you instantly. You start smiling, and pass it over to Rick. They way he looks at it, the way he grabs it, the way he hits it. It all hits you. "Hey (y/n), what were we talking about earlier?" He says to you. You instantly dart your eyes at Summer in dismay. You don't know what to say to him, or how to say it. You love how funny he is, how incredibly smart, how he is, and just who he is. Underneath all that anger is someone who needs to be loved, even though he thinks love is pointless. ("Listen Morty, I hate to break it to you, but what people calls "love" is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it. Your parents are gonna do it. Break the cycle, Morty. Rise above. Focus on science." ~Rick Sanchez, Rick and Morty, Season 1 Episode 6) You dont answer, your off in your head space.

You dont realize how fast time has gone by when Summer puts the joint out, you have to admit, it was a fatty. You think about Rick, dying to finish telling him how you feel, you dont want him to interupt you this time, but hes been pretty quiet for the past few minutes, which is strange of him. You turn your head up to Rick and look at him, to see hes been looking at you. "(y/n), gonna leave me hanging or (urrp) what?" He says to you. "Uhm, well you see.." You trail off as Summer stands up. "So, I'm like totally not going to be in here for this sooo.. (y/n), come get me later." and with that she heads inside. 

You sit there for a moment and look at him. Taking a deep breath you begin to speak. "So, Rick, I don't know how to say this. I mean you're probably smart enough to know that I adore, and I have for many years, I just.." You trail off, not knowing how to tell him. "(Y/N), I can go on and (urrp) figure-" You cut him off. "No Rick, this is something I need to tell you, in my own way, by my own terms. Rick, you have to let have to let me say what I have to say." You reply in dismay. You dont know how hes going to take this, or what hes going to say back. "I think I love you? But love isn't just a word to throw around. And I know that.. so maybe I just like you, but even then.. I-I like you alot." You look at Rick, worried. You don't think you should've done this, but now its too late to turn back. He looks at you for what feels like forever, and then pulls out his flask, and takes a sip. You hold youre hand out. "Dont leave me hanging over here." He passes you the flask and lets out a burp, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. You take a swig. It tastes disgusting, but it sure does the trick. You look at the flask, and back at Rick, taking a gulp. "That sure does help." You say. He hasn't said anything yet. "Rick, can you please just say something so I know I'm not crazy." You look at him with despair. You want to still be welcomed here, after all this was like your second home. "(y/n) Youre not crazy, but these feelings are pointless. I'm not going to sugar coat. Nothing can happen." He says to you. You immediately get up. "But it can. Rick, I'm almost 19. I'm an adult now. Whose to say nothing can happen?!"

"(y/n), you pretty much grew up in this house. I dont know what to do or what to say about all of this." He stands up trying to maintain eye level, but hes almost a whole foot taller than you, but the eye contact remains. He wipes his mouth again and gets close to your face. "(y/n), you're nice, caring, childish, mature, naive and so much more, and thats your downfall. (urrp) " He whispered taking a step back. "Oh like youre any better." you scoff. "Yeah, and how?" He asks clearly frustrated. "Unity. Need I say more? Actually, I will. Partying, drinking, going out and nearly getting yourself damn killed everyday." You take a deep breath. "And thats why I'll never have you, never get you." You sigh turning around, when Rick grabs your arm and turns you around. "Sounds like you're just scared. Come with me." He says to you. "Where Rick?" You ask curiously. "On an adventure (y/n). Open up, let loose, be free. But not now. Maybe tomorrow. Now, get inside." He says. You look up at him, not knowing what emotion you're feeling right now. You go to turn around, but you stop and give Rick a hug. "Thank you." You say to him as he out one arm on your shoulder and pats your back. "Yeah." He says as he burps, which right now you find to be funny, even though youve heard it so many times. 

Once you get inside, you run as fast as you can to Summers room. Breathing heavily you look at her, looking like a mad woman. "Are you okay, (y/n)?" she asks you. You nod youre head. "I guess were going on an adventure tomorrow because I'm scared." You reply as you flop down face first on her bed. "Then why are you going?" You think for a minute. "I dont know, because I'm 'naive' I guess. But it'll be a new experience, and I-I'll be there with Rick, nothing bad w-will happen" You stutter out. Feeling whatever was in that flask hitting you hard. "Oh my god, (y/n) are you drunk?" Summer asks, worriedly. "Yeah, I guess, I mean I drank from his flask." She looks at you bewildered. "Well, it was very stressful Summer. But I should head home, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow." You tell her, she smiles. "You have fun (y/n), but not too much fun." she says laughing. Even though this is weird for her, at least you know that you have a true friend. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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