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-you were at royal mountain at rasberry farm
-you were performing right before "calpurnia"
-you haven't really heard their music
-but when they went on for soundcheck
-lord you were in awe
-they were really good
-for some reason, your time for soundcheck was after theirs, even though you were performing before them
-but you didn't complain
-when they came off
-finn saw you standing there with (instrument)
-he quickly turned to pinky and whispered something
-after that he started walking towards you trying to look calm and cool
-it just looked like he shit his pants and was trying to cover it up tbh
-you smiled and met him in the middle
-"omG!! i can't believe you heard my music! i love you and your band!!"
-"thanks? i hope my music sounds as good as yours!"
-"trust me, it totally is."
-after he saw that you were just so down to earth and cool
-he started to calm down a bit
-"so-uh, the weather, it's pretty nice."
-yeah-uh i never got your name? mines y/n."
-"m-r-b-finn, my name is finn"
-alrighty then
-he was still noticeably nervous
-"uh- what's your favorite album? from the type of music you play, it sounds like you have a huge mix."
-he couldn't even believe that he was talking to you
-he was just kinda staring at you
-"what- oh- um it's probably something by the beatles."
-"really? that's so cool! the beatles are legendary!"
-what he didn't know is that you were just as infatuated with him
-"wanna go and get something to eat real quick?"
-"i have soundcheck, but maybe after?"
-during soundcheck, you kept looking over at finn and made him come on stage so you could ask him how that sounded
-you both just bonded so fast
-with your same music tastes and infatuation with each other
-it was kind of a done deal that the two of you were going to spend a little too much time together
-the quick food date went pretty smoothly
-finn stuttered a small bit
-but you just sat and enjoyed the food and joyous talk
-but what both of you didn't know
-is that this little-unscheduled meeting was the beginning of a gorgeous, well-known relationship

requested! this was super cute to write and i thought this turned out pretty well. i wrote this the night of the rasberry farm festival and although i haven't seen any of the performers, i still think that everyone there is amazing and i hope it was fun.

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