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going on set✨

-sometimes when you had time, finn would invite you to join him on filming whatever he was working on at the moment
-so when your not in school or had some time off, you booked a flight to wherever finn was and joined him
-lots of joking about not knowing what's happening
-getting lost and having to call finn to come and find you
-getting to see finn in his outfits before everyone else
-also getting to see finn in his zone and seeing him connect with his cast members
-but also the sleepy finn at ungodly hours into the night coming into the bed to cuddle you just to wake up a few hours later to film some more
-you being on set means a lot to him because he loves acting, but he loves you more
-so he treasures the rare moments he has on set with you and you the same
-you become friends with his cast mates, probably not best friends yet but possibly in the future
-finn basically uses you for when he needs to rehearse his lines, so it feels real, but he also makes you say the male character voices in a deeper way than you normally speak (what)
-he also likes making you be female/male characters that he has to kiss or do something where he touches you, just so you know that he would always choose you over the cast mate playing that character (no offense to them)
-once he even made you step in and say millie's lines so he could cry a little faster and so he could give a proper "heart eyes" moment
-sometimes even some pranks on cast mates or others working on the project
-and you even help whoever you pranked get finn back bc why not
-finn would definitely try and keep you out of the eye line of the paparazzi as best as he could
-though sometimes they would get a picture of finn trying to drag you away (or they took a picture of where they could see your shoes from underneath finns trailer, obviously you guys weren't doing anything, right?)
-finn loves you being on set and you love being with finn, so i guess it's a win win
i wrote this one pretty fast, so sorry if there are any mistakes! leave requests bc i'm starting to run out of ideas (not really, but requests would help a ton!). hope you enjoyed it anyway!

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