I'm here to Stay | Part 1

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Jude's POV:

Here I was, sat in the Hospital Waiting Room with my family. We were waiting for news back on Lena, and the baby's condition. I was worried... I really was. I hadn't been talking lately, not to anyone. Nobody understood why I wasn't talking. They didn't understand why I was upset. I just sat in my seat... making no effort to speak at all... there was no reason to.

A silence was looming over the lobby... an eerie silence. Nobody in the family even attempted to talk. Mariana sat in the corner, holding Stef's hand, Brandon and Jesús sat next to eachother, looking at the ground, and Callie and I sat across from them.

Callie looked at me, and I avoided her gaze... just like I had the past few days. I felt a hand land on top of mine, and I looked at Callie, meeting her gaze for a few seconds.

I turned away, fixiating my gaze back on the ground.

"I know you're angry we don't have the same birth father," She started. "And that I have a half sister, and I wanted to meet her." She continued on. She didn't know half of it... It wasn't all her fault I became mute.

"And I know you're angry that we couldn't get adopted together," She added. Of course I was angry that we hadn't got adopted together... That was something we'd agreed to do together since the day we got the news our mom passed away.

"And I know... you feel like you don't have a say over anything," She admitted, her hand still on top of mine. I looked down at the ground... Connor came into my mind. I shook the thought from my head as I listened to her continue to talk.

"But you do..." She said, "When it comes to me... you do." I looked down again... I believed her. I knew I had a say when it came to her, she'd been my protector... my listener from day one.

My stomach sank as Callie continued on... Everything she was saying was right. I didn't feel like I had a say in anything in my life. I didn't want her to see Sophia ... or the Quinns anymore, it hurt. I was taken from my thoughts as she continued.

"...But you have to talk to me," She whispered, managing a small smile, "And to the people that love you..." I didn't break her gaze, even as tears welled up in my eyes.

"You can't shut us out," I gulped, "That's selfish... you're not selfish." She finished, squeezing my hand once more before turning her gaze back to the family. I looked down, and let out a sigh. She was right... completely right. I had shut everyone out. Stef and Lena, who'd only been trying to help me. Mariana, Brandon , Jesùs, my own sister. I had even shut out my only friend, Connor. He'd apologized profusely for everything that'd happened between us, and I ignored him...

The urge to talk felt stronger , and stronger until I couldn't hold it back anymore. They didn't deserve to be shut out... to be ignored. I'm not selfish at all. I took a deep breath, looking back up at my family.

Stef was taking a deep breath, Mariana brushing away her tears. Brandon was looking down, fidgiting with his fingers. Jesùs had his head in his hands, visuably upset. A tear rolled down my cheek , as I turned my gaze back to Callie. I took a deep breath...

I nodded, before letting out a small, and croaky , "Okay." Callie immediately turned to look at me, smiling in relief. I forced a smile, my eyes watering. The family lifted their heads as soon as I talked. Stef smiled at me... Callie put her hand on my back, and I was relieved. They'd needed me... and I needed to be there for them.

I had one more person I needed to make immense with , and that was Connor.

[part 1/?]

I'm here to stay ( Jonnor Drabble )Where stories live. Discover now