chapter 21:

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Two days later, 1PM
Readers P.O.V.:
We arrive in a little town on the coast of Japan. Kurapika and me decided to visit Leorio. (A/N: I chose for this concept because I thought it would be more original. The original storyline will be totally gone from now on) So when we contacted Leorio he told us he was in the airplane towards this village to finish his learning progress and so we followed. "Where would he be?" I ask Kurapika.

"I don't know, maybe we should call him," Kurapika answers.

"He told us he must learn from half past eight untill three o'clock... Maybe we should call at three to make sure we don't bother him," I reply.

"You're right, you wanna go for an ice cream to kill the time?" Kurapika asks me.

"Of course!" I yell. The last two days have been the best days ever. Kurapika is so sweet to me and there are no more problems with Phantom Troupe. Only I think I am eating too much... My eating habits didn't really go forward and I really should start visiting a gym since my stomach is starting to grow.

"Do you wanna do anything after eating an ice cream?" Kurapika breaks my thoughts.

"Maybe we can visit the beach, it shouldn't be far from here," I reply.

"Alright," Kurapika answers before walking into an ice cream shop. We both order out ice creams. I have the flavours chocolate and watermelon while Kurapika has the flavours mint and citrus fruit. "You wanna go to the beach now, (Y/N)?" Kurapika asks.

"Yeah! There's a map over there, lets go!" I yell before walking to a map of the city. I can see the dot where we are standing. We are on the left side on the map, halfway down. In the lift upper corner you can see the beach. "How do we need to walk?" I ask myself.

"I think the best way is this," Kurapika points at the map and marks the route with his finger.

"Alright," I say, studying the map.

"Lets get going then," Kurapika says and so we start walking to the beach.

I saw so many things on our way here. People who make music on the streets and cute stores with little souvenirs. Also the malls and a few other ice creams shops. In the last few meters there was a boat and surfboards rent. "It's so beautiful here!" I exclaim.

"Glad you like it," Kurapika says before grabbing my hand. So we continue walking at the beach.

"Where do you wanna go next?" Kurapika asks me.

"I don't really have special wishes. There are so many places I haven't been! Maybe we can visit Gon at Whale island!" I answer.

"Why not?" Kurapika replies.

I take out my phone to see the time. "It's already a quarter past three!" I say, surprised.

"Lets call Leorio," Kurapika answers. I nodd in agreement and search in my phone for Leorios contact. When I found it I tap the call button and hold the phone next to my ear.

Phone call between (Y/N) and Leorio:
Leorio: Hello?
(Y/N): Hi Leorio, (Y/N) here!
Leorio: Hey! Did you guys arrive?
(Y/N): Yes, we did around 2 hours ago but didn't knew if we could call you before three o'clock.
Leorio: Well, where are you now?
(Y/N): We're at the beach.
Leorio: Did you pass the boat rent?
(Y/N): Yeah, we passed it on our way here.
Leorio: Great, I'll come that way. Meet me there!
(Y/N): Alright, see you!

I tap on the little red phone on my screen to quit the call and put my phone back. "What did he say?" Kurapika asks.

"You remember the boat rent we passed on our way here?" Kurapika nodds. "He told me to meet him there."

"Lets go, we don't want him to be faster than us," Kurapika replies with a little smile.

"Like hell he's gonna be faster!" I scream before running to the boat rent.

When I arrive at the boat rent Leorio is nowhere to be seen. Kurapika arrives a few seconds after me. "We're first!" I say with a grin.

"Leorio can be here any minute, I suppose," Kurapika replies. And right at that moment Leorio comes running from the opposite side we came from.

"Hello," he says, waving his hand while leaning on his knees.

"You really have to improve your condition," I notice.

"I ran here from the other side of town!" Leorio defends himself.

"Anyways, nice to see you! How is your study going?" I ask Leorio.

"At this rate I'll be able to finish it in 2 months," Leorio answers.

"That's amazing!" I reply.

"It sure is," Kurapika enters the conversation.

"So how about we all get an ice cream?" I suggest.

"But (Y/N), we just ate one," Kurapika says.

"Hush! You can never eat to much ice cream!" I yell.

"We can also go to a cafe to drink something," Leorio suggests.

"Do they have ice creams?" I ask.

"Yes, they have ice creams," Leorio answers.

"Lets go!" I scream before running away.

"You're going the wrong way!!!" Leorio screams behind me. I walk back.

"I knew that," I say. Kurapika chuckles and wraps one arm around me waist. I blush a little and Leorio turns around.

"Follow me!" Leorio says while walking, hopefully, the right way.

So here's another chapter.
It's a kinda apologise for the problems with my Wattpad and all the trouble I caused.
I hope you liked it!

Otaku power!!!

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