A Moment of Us [Part 1]

Start from the beginning

"Right, should have thought of that." Haruna said and felt Kuro-kun, her cat, coming and rubbing himself on her legs. Since Haruna and Mami love cats, Rina and Tomomi surprised them with Kuro-kun one random night. Looking at her cat, Haruna asked, "Why don't you go running with them fatty?" She only got a "meow-" response as Kuro-kun walked back to his bed to continue to sleep. Haruna looked at him with a disbelief look and heard a chuckle coming from Mami.

"Ahahaha like pets like owner aren't you, Kuro-kun?"

"That's right, but remember you're his owner too. Where's Tomo?" Haruna asked as she came to sit beside Mami.

"Sleeping in our room."

"So you guys are here while Rina is out there taking care of the dogs?" Haruna asked still being in her grumpy mood because of the lack of Rina she got since she woke up.

"She's tired. She's been accompanying me here all night." Mami said while working on her laptop.

"All night?"

"Yeah. I told her not to wait for me to sleep but she's saying she has free time this week. There's no interviews or photoshoots. Nothing. So she wants to spend time with me. Well, at some point I fell asleep last night, and when I woke up there was a blanket around me and she was sleeping beside me. So I lifted her up to our room. Seriously, what is she thinking? She can hurt her back sleeping like that." Mami said grumpily.

"Mami, you should spend more time with her. You know it." Haruna said then sipped her water. Mami stop working and took a sip from her coffee as she turned to Haru.

"I'm always spending my free time with her in every chance--"

"At home. When was the last time you took her out somewhere nice or did something nice for her? Stop being lazy. Get your ass up and go somewhere nice with her. She's tired and stressed from work too. You know it, and even if she loves staying at home cuddling with you on free time, she would love going somewhere nice with you too once in a while."

"Wow, thanks for the advice mom."

"Hey! I'm being serious!"

"I know I know.. Don't worry too much Haru, you will get older faster that way." Mami said turning to Haruna with her cheeky smile then back working at her laptop.

"Haish.. This kid really." She said and then ruffled Mami's already messy hair as she got up to take her glass cup to the kitchen.

"........How about you and Rina? Stop pretending you didn't notice how she feels these days." Mami said as she continued to work on her laptop.


"Don't play dumb big head. Don't say you didn't know that she's been feeling afraid and anxious about your relationship. You're already 30 for god sake and you still don't take your relationship seriously with her. She's confused as in whether you'll ever take the relationship seriously or not since you always tend to avoid telling everyone about her and avoid any kind of affection in public."

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