The tea burns her throat and she swallows it as fast she can. "For the love of-" Hagrid says before he pats her back a little. "You alright there?" He asks concerned. Y/N nods before speaking with a slightly hoarse voice. "Just drank it too fast." 

"That ye did. Didn't your parents ever tell you to-" Hagrid suddenly stopped speaking realising who he was speaking to and who her parents were. "My apologies." He says awkwardly taking another sip of his tea. 

"That's alright Hagrid." Y/N smiled but then began to speak again. "Though I am wondering why you asked me to come here..." She trailed off, worried she'd come across as rude. Hagrid sighed before he spoke. "Harry and Ron are meddling in business that ought not to be meddled with and I just don't want you getting involved, many things are being said about you, Y/N. Don't want to be adding more to the list." Hagrid states and Y/N can tell he regrets it as he scrunches his eyes in frustration.

"What things?" Y/N asks intrigued yet sceptical. She didn't want people to be talking about her. 

"Nope. I ain't saying nothing. I just think it would perhaps be wise to watch yerself Y/N, keep yer friends close, and yer-" 

"Enemies closer." Y/N interrupted having heard the phrase many times. Hagrid looked at her as though she had did something strange but she ignored him and continued to sip her tea. 


After her little talk with Hagrid they both drank their tea and began to talk about more light-hearted subjects such as Hagrid's love for animals and Y/N's subjects that she did or didn't like and they even spoke about the professors. 

Once the sun had started to set, Hagrid walked with her to the castle. 

"If you're ever feeling lonely you're always welcome to stop by, when you don't have class, of course." Hagrid offered. "Thank you Hagrid." Y/N smiled and this time it was genuine, it was great to think she had met two friends other than animals and paintings albeit they were strange.

Hagrid walked away leaving her standing in the vast hallway alone.

Y/N then began to walk down the corridor deciding she would visit her only other friend, Myrtle. "Where do you think you're going?" A voice called from behind her with malice. She turned around and saw Draco approaching, his friends nowhere to be seen.

"Nowhere." She replied quietly turning back around and beginning to wall away.

"You little liar." Draco spat before walking up to her. His hand gripped her lower arm causing her to turn around.

"I'm-I'm going to the toilet!" She called louder than she had intended.

"How dare you think you can lie to me you little wench!" He then slapped her face brutally. This resulted in the small girl taking a shuddering breath and holding her cheek. This was the worst Draco had ever been and it pained her. The fact that Draco despised her hurt more than the fact he had assaulted her. 

She began to walk away, weeping quietly. Draco's angered face faltered for a moment before he walked in the opposite direction, to his utter bewilderment he could feel tears in his eyes, but he simply put it down to the fact that he was angry.

Y/N decided she wouldn't be visiting Myrtle and instead began running in the direction of the other toilets. 

She only stopped running when she bumped into someone, looking up, her breath caught in her throat. It was Snape.

"Running in the hallways Miss Malfoy?" He stated calmly, his brow raised. "Ten points from Gryffindor." Y/N nodded in shame and murmured an apology to the unforgiving man that is Snape before she began to walk away. 

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