Thicker than Water (One-Shot)

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Hope's Peak High School is a joke. You know it, and all your classmates know it. It should be called Despair's Peak High School for all it’s worth; talented young people, the rays of hope in a depraved society, tricked into a killing game for the nation’s entertainment. It reminds you of a book you read somewhere, something about food games or something...? Anyway, Monokuma's twisted antics have driven most of the class to desperation, so you were hardly taken by surprise when, on a free day, the stuttering Touko Fukawa wanted to talk to you. She took you to the public bath. “U-um, it would appear that Sho has a c-crush on y-you...”
You tensed up. Sho has openly admitted that she only kills guys who turn her on, so you were worried that this would spell your death. Touko seemed to notice this and waved her hands in front of her in a gesture of defence. “O-oh, nonono! Not like that a-at all! It’s k-kinda weird actually...” She held her upper arm with her other hand and looked away from you. “I’ve never seen Sho like this b-before.”
Touko took one of her plaits into her hand and held it up to her nose. “Here, see f-for yourself...” She tickled her nose and sneezed. Before long, her eyes turned red and a grin spread across her face as her tongue elongated, and Touko Fukawa was now Genocider Sho, who blushed at the sight of you.
“Why, hello there, my dearie~!” Sho cooed. Touko was right, this was incredibly unlike her. “You know, when I see you, I feel like I just can’t resist...”
You started backing away from Sho, who was now giggling and holding herself, but she flew at you and pinned you to the lockers, with one arm outstretched to lean on the locker beside your head, preventing your escape. Her smile broke for a small moment to show you a quizzical look as she said “But I find myself, strangely, not wanting to kill you...” Her smile returned, wider than before, and she blushed again. “Instead, I want to get UP TO SOME STUFF!”
She brandished her scissors and deftly cut off your clothing, leaving you in just your underwear. She drooled slightly, and the sight of her oversized tongue glistening with liquid turned you on in a weird way. “I’ve seen the way you look at me, laddy, and to be sure I seem to have a thing for you too. So, since it’s a free day, do you want to have some fun?”
You nodded, but became slightly scared when you felt the cold, sharp steel of Sho’s scissors trace your chest. “Don’t worry, my love, the only thing that’s gonna get murdered today is your virginity~” Sho chuckled. She traced some more, and, as you relaxed around Sho, you had to admit that the scratchy feeling of her scissors on your skin felt quite good. You decided you wanted more of this feeling. “Harder...” you breathed, and Sho's face brightened up. She gave you a smug smile. “Harder, you say? Ooh, someone’s naughty, aren’t they?” You felt the scissors start to dig into your skin, and, in some places, they left behind a warmth that you knew was blood. You didn’t care though, you didn’t care whether you were bleeding or not. All you knew is it felt so good, and that you didn’t want it to stop.
But just like that, it stopped. “Hey, what gives?” you half-grumbled, half-moaned.
“I told you, I don't want to kill you. Any more of that, and I would have done some irreparable damage,” Sho said, licking the blood from her blades whilst admiring her handiwork. You looked down and saw your whole torso was covered in long cuts that, while not deep, oozed slowly with your carmine liquid. Sho started breathing heavily. “Damn... Even if I didn’t kill you... The sight of your body covered in blood... Turns me on so much...!” She shoved you onto the bath floor, sat on top of you and started licking the wounds, savouring the taste of your blood. All the while, the combination of watching her long, wet and surprisingly dexterous tongue work its way around your wounds along with the actual feeling of your wounds being licked just kept arousing you more and more. Sho suddenly stopped licking and looked up at you over her glasses, her tongue still on your body. “Heh, you like my tongue, don’t you, dear?”
You nodded.
“How 'bout you have a taste, then?”
Sho crawled up your body, slurped her tongue into her mouth (which left her with slightly bulging cheeks) and kissed you strongly; when you opened your mouth as you do with passionate kisses, Sho also opened hers and let her tongue fall into your mouth. Your eyes widened as you felt how thick and long it was, and it quivered as you held it in your mouth, recognising the metallic taste of blood on top of her own saliva. You instinctively started to suck it, and Sho's eyes widened at the pleasure she was experiencing. You weren’t left out too; sucking Sho’s tongue felt so good that you couldn’t stop if you tried.
While you were sucking, Sho put away her scissors and started letting her hands glide along your body, being very sure to stop and run her fingers along the wounds she had made and being extra sure that her touch made you feel good.
After what felt like simultaneously a moment and an eternity, Sho pulled her tongue out of your mouth, and, though you wanted more, somehow instinctively knew that that was enough for now. She sat up, still on your body, and looked down at you with a smirk and a blush. “Hey, How’d you like to be mine?” she said.
Your eyes widened as she continued. “Well, I don’t want to kill you, and you know how to make me feel good. And you obviously like my long tongue...” she stroked it with a finger for effect, and you shuddered in pleasure. “So how’d you like to be mine and mine alone for the rest of our lives?”
You nodded. “Yes please,” you breathed.
“Good. Now then, I’ve got a little something for you: think of it as a... Contract, my dear.” Sho produced one of her scissors and made a small cut on her forearm. She squeezed it and took the blood onto her finger. She promptly shoved that blooded finger into the wound that she made over your heart and wiped it around until you could no longer tell whose blood was whose. “This way,” she said, “you’ll always have a part of me in you, sweetie! And as long as there’s a part of me in you...” She paused as she slowly gave the wound a single, seductive lick, “I own you.”
“Anyway, I think we’ve had enough fun, don’t you? Time to let Ms. Mopey back...” Sho looked slightly upset. “It was fun, sweetie. May we have many more~!”
She tickled her nose with her plait and all of a sudden her eyes became a pastel blue, and that beautiful, thick tongue shrank back inside her mouth. Touko looked around, realised she was sitting on top of you, and, with a full-faced, beet-red blush, promptly jumped up and dashed out of the bathroom as quickly as she could.
You walked back to your room, clad in only your underwear and with your torso covered in slashes, with a smile on your face. Maybe Hope’s Peak wasn’t as bad as you first thought.

(Here's another one, my dear readers! I decided to conquer my literally panic-attack-inducing fear of anything and anything Danganronpa by BINGE WATCHING THE ENTIRE FIRST SEASON OF THE ANIME and now Genocider Sho is my waifu~ She's my second favourite girl aside from my girlfriend yandere_kat who also writes smut on Wattpad (check out her Komahina vampire smut :3) Everything will resume once I'm back at school, but please read my update book. This doesn't have to be a one shot either! Vote and comment if you want me to do more Danganronpa stuff!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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