"Kid? What's wrong?" You ask looking at him in confusion. He looks around uneasily before he stops, eyes widening on a figure ahead.

"... Law?" He breathes as you follow his gaze to a man in a black coat, hood hiding his face. You feel a chill as his silver eyes pen on Kid. He suddenly lunges, a sword appearing in his hand.

"Kid!" You gasp in alarm. Kid moves forward, hands overhead, making his greatsword appear from the air, bringing it down on Law. The other stops his blade easily, hood falling back to reveal raven colored hair and demonic horns. 'A champion...' You realize in awe.

"What the hell are you doing Trafalgar?" Kid growls.

"Must... Obey..." Law manages. You blink as Kid knocks him back.

"Obey who?" You ask.

"Fufufu, his master of course." A tall man chuckles, coming up. You look at the blond, feeling the blood leave your face.

"Who're you...?" You murmur uneasily.

"I am Donquixote Doflamingo little master." He smiles. "I'm here to take your champion." His words sent a chill down your spine while igniting a fire in your chest.

"Screw off old guy. Kid belongs to no one but himself." You growl. Kid smirks at that, and Law's eyes glint to you.

"Sweetheart you have no idea who you are talking to." Doflamingo chuckles.

"Neither do you." You glare at him evenly. He pauses before grinning.

"Interesting... Law. Show her the real might of a champion with an experienced master." He rumbles.

"I hope you realize how fucked up you just sounded." You frown. Law hesitates and Doflamingo growls, smacking him roughly.

"I said now!" He snaps. You flinch and Law grits his teeth.

"ROOM!" Law growls as a large bubble forms around them.

"___! Get out of-" Kid cuts off as you hurl a street trashcan at Doflamingo. "___?" He manages in surprise.

"Alright, you wanna fight? Lets fight." You growl angrily, starting at the stunned blond man.

"You..." Doflamingo huffs through grit teeth.

"Kid. Take his champion down! He's coming with us after I kick this guy's teeth in!" You inform him, eyes set on Doflamingo.

"Alright!" Kid grins, swinging at Law. Doflamingo growls, looking around and noticing the crowd that had formed. He pauses and backs up.

"Law, get us out of here. And you little master, be ready for our next meeting." His sunglasses glint at you dangerously.

"I will be..." You glare at him before looking to Law. "I'm going to come for you Law. So wait." You tell the champion. His silvery eyes widen and Doflamingo snaps his fingers, making him blink before they vanish. You frown at that and Kid grabs your hand.

"We should run." He breathes. You nod and run away from the shocked crowd with him. You frown a bit to yourself once you're nearly home.

"That poor champion..." You breathe looking down.

"That's how most masters were... and I guess there's still some from back then... Or..." He trails off frowning.

"Or what.?" You peer at him. He pauses and blinks.

"Hey. That thing you said to Law before he left... Don't tell anyone else that again." He frowns.


"Actually. Why were you so pumped over that demon?" He huffs in annoyance.

"What?" You blink dumbfounded. "I wasn't! The Doflamingo guy pissed me off is all!"

"How? You hardly seem like the angry type." He points out.

"He reminded me of someone. And that made me want to take him out." You glare ahead. Kid blinks before smiling a bit and putting a hand on your head.

"You're full of surprises." He breathes lightly. You offer a smile, separating once you reach home. You go in and let out a breath.

"Hey! Did you have fun on your date?" Your mom greets smirking. You go over, pinching her cheeks.

"It was supposed to be mother- daughter time!" You huff.

"Come on, ___. I never seen you with anybody." She pulls her face away. "Consider it a treat for me." She smiles.

"You're so weird..." You sigh. "Anyway I'm checking in now.." You add starting for your room.

"Sleep well. I'll see you tomorrow." She hums.

"Goodnight." You smile heading into your room as Kid sits on the bed. You frown going to the computer. "Alright Donquixote. Lets see if I can find some information on you..."

Champion ~ Eustass Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now