A Weird Exchange

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This is obviously not how the real tv show went, but it's how it's going to go in order to incorporate you, the reader. Enjoy!

"Help please!" Kai shouted as Adam, Mira, and I looked around for the weird guy. After hours of fighting, we had finally defeated the other little twerps and gotten possession of the Ishibo. Unfortunately, we were nowhere near the forest that contained the magical, talking tree. Time was running out, and we needed help -fast.

"Well, well, welly, well. Look what you guys found!" A familiar voice said. We jumped, startled, and all turned to face him.

There he stood, the mysterious, strange, weird stranger who had saved our butts several times already by summoning the portals that dropped us from one odd, but dangerous location, to another.

He straightened his red blazer and threw one end of his turquoise scarf over his shoulder.

"So, you called?" He said with a smirk, eying each of us, his eyes lingering in mine.

"Yes," said Adam, "we need another portal, one to take us to the tree."

The Weird Guy laughed as he walked closer. "Two teensy weensy problems there. One!" He said as he held up a finger, "You're all out of portals! Two!" he said raising another finger, "Taking you directly to the tree would be an unfair advantage. As you found out by now this is a competition."

"What! Oh, come on!" Kai cried out as he dropped to his knees dramatically.

"Can't you just give us one extra portal?" Mira asked desperately, in the distance we could see the green abyss approaching.

"And we defeated the other team, so the only thing we're competing against is whatever will happen to us if the green abyss catches up to us!" I said. The weird guy turned towards me stroking his chin dramitically.

"Hmm, I suppose you're right. Alright! I'll give you another portal...buuut it'll cost you!" He said, quoting himself from earlier.

"Are you kidding me?" Kai yelled as he pulled at his hair. "Why can't some things in life just be free!"

"What do you mean it'll cost us?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, what do you want from us? We don't have anything."

Weirdy laughed once again and looked over at me with a smile.

"I want...a kiss from y/n." He said simply as he folded his arms with a smile.

"What!" I blurted, I could feel my face growing as red as the weird guy's jacket. Why in the world would he want that?

Adam, Kai, and Mira all made a confused face at each other before turning to look at me.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that!" I cried out.

"Kiss him y/n!" Kai shouted. "Would you rather die! You have to save us!"

"But! But I-"

"Y/n we really don't have another option." Adam said and Mira nodded in agreement.

I couldn't believe that I was in this situation, but they had a point, it was better than the fate staying in the glitching game held in store.

"Okay..." I mumbled as I approached the Weird Guy who had listened to the whole conversation silently with a small smirk on his face.

I stood awkwardly in front of him, I'd never kissed anyone before...or at least if I had I couldn't remember.

I stood frozen in front of him while Adam, Kai, and Mira looked on expectantly.

"Y/n just do it already!" Kai shouted anxiously as he looked at the ever nearing green abyss."

I decided to push all logic aside and reached up to grab Weirdy's scarf, yanking him into a kiss. Immediately my face turned bright red, but the kiss sparked something inside my heart and mind. This felt...right? I didn't know why, but it did.

I quickly realized that I was making the kiss longer than it needed to be so I quickly pulled away and practically ran behind Mira and Adam.

The five of us were silent for a moment before Kai shouted, "Uh, hello? Portal please! Death is approaching!"

"Oh, uh, sorry." The Weird Guy stammered before his usual smirk appeared on his face again. "See you soon y/n." Then with a snap of his fingers we fell into the portal.

The four of us fell with thud on the ground, and looming above us was the tree.

-----Time skip because Weirdy isn't in these scenes-----

With a gasp I opened my eyes as I was blinded by bright lights and deafened by the screams of a crowd.

And with my return to the real world came my memories.

I stood up out of my chair and looked around frantically for my boyfriend, Cameron. (I thought the name Cameron suited him, but if you guys have any other suggestions I'm all for it)

Suddenly I felt two strong arms wrap around me and I recognized the red blazer.

I turned around smiling before I took off his red sunglasses and pulled him gently by his turquoise scarf and kissed him- my weirdo.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever! School has been pretty crazy but now that it's Winter break I hope I'll get a lot more done! Stay weird😜!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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