TDLoaCS Part 3 - Breakfast time

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I put my hand up to stop Fawn from speaking and eventually losing his temper "Why would you go through all the trouble of flying to Freelia to steal the milk from 'Le Poisson'?" I ask the person, hoping to get answers.

"Well you see. I have had a hatred for the cait sith for a long time. And so I had been thinking of a way to get back at them. This seemed to be the best solution." The figure answered back to me with a hint of smugness in his voice.

"What have you got against us?!" Fawn yelled, his patience becoming thin.

"It's just the way they are, the way they act. Everything about them is just disgraceful and disgusting!" His voice raised to counter Fawn's yelling. I will admit it was quite terrifying.

"But you know it's not nice to steal things" Lillie said in an all too innocent voice, as if attempting to guilt trip The Milk Thief.

"Look here, little fairy. I'll give back the milk. If you'll play a little game with me." I couldn't see it well, even with my Cait sith eyes but I could've sworn he smirked.

"What game?" Lilac asked the thief, speaking in her monotonic voice as always.

"Oh it's nothing much." He moves to the side slightly to reveal a small wooden house that was behind him. But his voice became dark as he continued to speak. "Just a small game of house" He held is hands up and performed a chant.

As the chant finished I could feel my body become smaller and smaller. "We're shrinking?" I said to myself and the others.

The thief's maniacal laugh echoed throughout the tunnels as he picked us up one by one as we shrunk to the size of a small doll. "Survive this. And the milk is will be your's. Good luck"

He carefully placed us into the house and closed it up, the multiple clicks indicated that he had locked it up.

"So what do you think he meant by 'survive'?" Lily asked putting emphasis on the word 'survive'

A loud thumping sound soon answered her question as a large doll came into view. A doll with golden locks, with three small bears ranging from small to large standing behind her.

"Goldilocks?" I gasp her name

"And the three bears" I heard Fawn finish from behind me.

"How are we supposed to beat that?" Lillie exclaimed frightened, already doubting our chances.

"We haven't lost yet Lillie. The battle has barely begun" Fawn said with a smile on his face.

"Our chances are slim" Lilac states beside me.

"I'm sure we'll be fine. Just stop them from eating, sitting or sleeping. They're probably healing moves" I point out, remembering the story of goldilocks.

"Watch it. The way we win this is by eating baby bear's porridge, breaking baby bear's chair and his bed" Fawn suggested. Honestly it wasn't a bad idea. But it was farfetched.

"I say we fight for a bit. And then change accordingly

"Alright. Well Team FALL you know your positions. You know what to do. Ready. Go!" Fawn commands and runs to the front quickly followed by Lilac, myself and Lillie running back a bit for space.

Now the reason why Lillie stays near me is to essentially avoid what happened with the fish with legs. She essentially protects me from creature that get too close while Lilac and Fawn our two main damage dealers deal, well, damage.

The first to attack was Goldilocks and she literally picked up the middle bear and threw it at Lilac and Fawn. The small bear was the same size as two of us combined. The medium bear all four of us. The biggest bear all 4 of us plus two. Goldilocks was about the same size as the middle bear but had the strength apparently of about 12 trucks.

Lilac and Fawn scampered to get out of the way and the bear stopped exactly where it landed before it stood up.

I notched an arrow and cast a spell onto the arrow, it slowly became incased in ice as I took time to aim at the bear, breathing out as I let the arrow fly. The wind split as the arrow streaked towards the bear and split into three icicles, hitting the bear square in the chest, the icicles shattering against it.

This of course. Annoyed the bear, and all three of the roared as the room became red and the music kicked in.

"Uh guys. I think we should try Fawn's plan." I say as notice how much I had messed up.

"I'm down for that. Fawn began as he scanned the room. "Right we need to find the small porridge bowl, the one that is just right. Again with the chair, the smallest one, and the bed." He disengaged and ran off to find one of the three items.

Lilac did the same as did Lillie, leaving to face all four of them alone. "Guys do hurry up. You've kinda left me, the archer! Alone!" I shout to them with a small hint of irritation in my voice

"We'll be quick Ai! Just. Buy us some time please." I heard Fawn shout towards as he searched through the countless things that was in the house.

"Tch. Fine." I glared at my four opponents with ferocious eyes attempting to pierce their souls, even though they didn't have one.

Like before, it was Goldilocks who attacked first, she picked up the smallest bear and threw it at me. And without flinching I notched and shot an arrow at the thrown bear, hitting my mark in midair and stopping it in its flight.

Seeing this, Goldilocks didn't like this and picked up the biggest bear and rolled it towards me. I tried to open my wings to fly away, but since we were in a dungeon like structure in an underground dungeon means that I can't since I'm not an Imp. So that failed and I ended up getting hit by the rolling truck that is the bear.

"Gah!" I scream out in pain as I'm sent flying back towards the wall behind me.

"Ai!" "Aikira!" I heard the three scream my name as I slump against the wall.

"Chair found!" Lillie shouts out happily as she quickly sits on it, she yelps in surprise when it breaks, but as it breaks the four bosses scream in pain and the biggest bear vanishes

"That seems to have worked. Now we just need to find the other two!" Fawn said as he continued his search. "Lillie get back to protecting Ai"

"On it!" Lillie obliged and ran to me. Her dagger in hand.

The rest of the fight was just a blur. I guess I hit my head but I don't remember much more. Fawn said that after the chair was found it was about another 3 minutes until Lilac found the bed and sat on it, again weakening the boss. Lilac then spent the rest of her time defending me from Goldilocks' attacks and making sure she kept her attention while Fawn searched for the porridge to eat it.

When he did eat it. That's when the fight begun again. Goldilocks, now without her three bears, since they vanished each time we found one of the three items, literally ripped out her hair and started to use it as a whip. From what I heard we almost lost Lillie during the fight.

But after the fight finished the front of the doll house opened and we found ourselves at our normal sizes and back at 'Le Poisson' with the waiter from before thanking us profusely for getting the milk back.

None of us remembered how we got there. But we just kind of accepted it.

I wanted a normal day. But it turned into an epic adventure. Heh. So much for The Daily Life of a Cait Sith.


A/N - Howdy! I'm back with the 3rd and final part of The Daily Life of a Cait Sith or TDLoaCS for sure. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. (Although I will admit that the ending did lack something).

This chapter had 1330 words. Less than chapter 2 but I wrote this chapter at like 2:00am. So I was very tired and wanted to finish it quickly.

But yeah. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll try to post more chapters on my other stories when I can. But until then. I bid you adieu *bows out*

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