▷Funhouse | 7

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Sakura's POV

[It's been thirty minutes and nobody has come back yet.. ~Sakura]

Joey sighs walking back and forth. "Joey, what's going on?" Manny says.

[It's been 30 minutes since Joey played the harp, and nothing is happening. I'm, like, trying to just, like, will it to work. I don't know, maybe if you just put your feelings into it.. ~Ro]

"This harp is faulty." Manny says obviously frustrated. "Please work, please work, please work." Joey says sitting down.

"It's not gonna work, is it?" Ro says staring back at the harp. "I did exactly what it said. I stroked it three times, and I thought of who I wanted to bring back. I don't know why they're not here." Joey explains.

"We cant give up hope just yet.." I stare waiting for someone to come bursting in.

[I thought that the harp was gonna work. Maybe it's just another game. ~Safiya]

"I'm honestly hopeful. I'm just more worried about who exactly we brought back. Whoever come back is gonna have a vengeance. If I came back from the dead, girl, I'd be really pissed." Nikita says.

After she finished we heard knocks on the door and I immediately get up and head to the door.

[So there's a knock at the door, and I think I know who it is. ~Joey]

As I open the door and look around, I'm quickly disappointed but there is one box on the floor. "It's, like, a briefcase." Joey says picking it up.

Briefcase Found

[Huh, not-- not what I was expecting, but you know what? Uh, I like a briefcase. Sure I'll take it.. ~Joey]

As Joey sets it on the table, Mortimer tells us something. "I know who that belonged to." He says pointing at the box. "What?"

"Some deadbeat insurance salesman." Mortimer says. "So you know who this case belongs to? How do you know?" Joey asked.

"Joey, I mean he was the mayor's son. I'm sure he knew way more people." I say looking at Joey.

"I mean, I used to. He lived in the town." He says to Joey once again. "You said he was an insurance salesman?" Safiya asks.

"I don't trust insurance people." Ro says. They open up the box and there are these drawings. As Joey looks over we hear a noise coming from the lounge door.

[It's Mat! He came back..~Sakura]

"Mat!" Everyone yells. "It worked!" Joey yells.

[It is Mat. I am so excited. He looks like-- I don't know -- he went on an all night bender, but I gue-- I mean, what would you look like when you come back from the dead? ~Ro]

"It worked. It worked!" Safiya tells Joey as they hug from excitement. "Oh, my god, Im so happy." Joey says.

[I chose to bring back Matpat. You know, it was a very obvious decision, especially after everything that went down. ~Joey]

I rush over and sit next to Ro and Mat as everyone is happy, excited, relieved every happy emotion. "Mat, I'm actually so happy to see you. You don't understand." Nikita says as Mat gets up and hugs Manny.

"Mat, we are so happy to see you. Hi. Oh!" Manny hugs back Mat then Mat gave Nikita a hug.

"Mat, we were able to bring one person back. And we chose you." Joey says hugging Mat. "You chose me?"

[They could've brought anyone back and so for them to specifically choose me meant so much. ~Mat]

As Mat sits down I gave him a hug last. "I'm so happy you came back! I had to take care of your sister from another mister, Ro, all by myself. That's supposed to be your job ya know?" Ro laughs as she sits by us again. "Well I'm back at least!" Mat laughs.

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