Random dude

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So christian has adopted me today and right now we are going to his house or whatever. He said it would be like a 4 hour drive to his place and I wasn't prepared because I got motion sickness and I was cloustrophobic. I haven't told him yet so this should be fun, I was trying to look out the dirty, stained window and I saw that the sky had changed from bright and sunshiny to dark and rainy.


I told Emma it would be like a four hour drive but it won't. I live about 20 minutes away but I wanted to tell her it was longer so she would sleep, and I could set up her room.

"Christian?" Emma said concerning.


"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"No, I'm waiting for the right girl."

"That's sweet!"

"Meh, I don't really need a girlfriend now that you're here. you'll give me all the company I need."

"Awe, thanks."

"Yep no problamo."

"So umm.... , do I get my own room or do we like have to share?"

"You get you're own room silly."

"So erm, what are we doing today?"

"We'll I thought we could go shopping for clothes and for your room, but you probably don't want me shopping for clothes with you, so my friend Emma is in America for a week and you can go with her!"


"Ya why?

"Oh you know she's just RAD MAN."

"Okay then?"

After about thirty more minutes of jamming out to one direction, Ed sheeran and 5sos, we arrived where my home is.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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