Problems & Solutions~•

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Me and Taeyong were in my house alone. The guys had took Taemin and Rain and Rider to the park while I spend some time with taeyong since I'm only spending time with my babies and Jungkook. Me and taeyong started doing some unmm non-kid like stuff. We were uh....bruh whatever, we were being intimate. Yeah but anyway, I wasn't focused. I kept thinking about Jungkook and how my love for him is growing and yes I finally admit that I'm in love with Jungkook.
Taeyong colapses next to me very breathless and as well as I. We got changed and went into the living room. We watched tv and then started making out. Jungkook comes with a bottle of tequila in his hands. He gives Taeyong a gross look and wobbles upstairs. "Sorry." I said. Taeyong kisses my neck. "Babe." He said. "Yeah." I said. "I want a baby." He said. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Let's make a baby." He smiles. "What?" I chuckle. "Well yeah, lets make a baby. We'll move out and have a nice little house with my baby. Just the three of us." He said. "What, I'm not ready. I'm only 16 and what do you mean by three of us." I said. "What do you mean? You are taking care of the two babies." Taeyong argued. "But that's different. I wanted to raise them since my mom died." I argued. "But I want kids of my own. I want my actual son and daughter not just step kids." Taeyong said. "So that's all you see them as. So even though they aren't your blood then you are gonna treat them differently but with your 'real' kids you will treat them with love and sweetness right, because they are your blood." I said.
"Well I'm not there father." He said. "Because you don't put the effort. You don't want to." I said. "Because they aren't my blood." Taeyong snaps. "That doesn't matter. If you truly love them and you will really want to take care of them then they are you're kids." I snapped. "I mean you see Jungkook taking care of them all the time and he loves them with all of his heart and you don't see him complaining about having his own kids because he feels like he already had some. He doesn't care if they aren't his blood, he still loves them and takes care of them will all of his heart." I snapped. "What are you trying to say, huh?! That Jungkook is better or what?" He yells standing up. "I'm saying that he puts effort. He doesn't care if that's not his blood and that's pure love. That's the best love you could ever give to a kid and that's what I want for my kids." I yell. "But they aren't mine. They aren't yours either." He yells. "Get out!" I yell. I push the door open and push him out. "Fine." He yells and leaves. I shut the door and walk over to the couch. I huff and then heard glass shattering.
I run upstairs and hear it from Jungkooks studio. He was throwing everything. He was yelling punching the wall. "Jungkook." I yell. He doesn't answer but just keeps throwing his stuff on the floor. I ran over to him and hold him back. I stroked his hair as he panted fell to the ground. I sat next to him and it his head on my chest. "What's wrong?" I ask calmly. He cries. "I broke up with Mina." I said. "Wow I'm sorry." I sigh. "That's not the problem. I'm glad I did." He said. "Why did you do it?" I asked. "Because I'm in love with someone else." He sobbed. "With who?" I said stroking his hair. He looks at me with puffy eyes and smashes his lip into mine. I instantly kissed back and after a long passionate kiss, we pulled away. "With you." He said. "But you are with Taeyong." He said. "I hate it! I hate it." He yells and sobs. I stroked his hair as he still laid on my chest.

The next day...I talked to Taeyong and told him to meet someone. I was honestly so hurt about what he said about my babies. All of my love I had for him dropped just like that after what he said. "I'm sorry I can't give you what you want and that's why I'm telling you that I'm breaking up with you. If you really think that way about my kids than maybe you shouldn't be around them. When you said what you said about my babies, all of my love dropped like that. I don't want anyway to think that way of my kids." I said. "So then this is your solution. Just breaking up with me. Fine whatever." Taeyong said acting petty. (Okay guys remember this is all an act because in real life I really love Taeyong, he is so hard working and cool. This is only for the book). I stood up and just left. Jungkook was waiting for me by his car holding Rain and Rider. "You ready?" He smirks. I smile and nod holding Rain while he holds Rider. "Let's go to the park guys!" Jungkook said cheerfully. They all cheer. "Yay." They said cutely. I chuckle and we walk over to the park. Jungkook Then holds my hand and I let him be. We walked to the park and started playing with them. Jungkook took them on the slides and I took them on the baby swings.
After that we went to a restaurant and ate. I was thinking about doing a Vlive with all of them. Jungkook, Rain and Rider just making a Vlive. "So I wanted to talk to you about yesterday." Jungkook said. "Yeah." I said. "I want to let you know that everything I said was true and I love you with all of my heart, you and my beautiful babies." He said smiling at Rain and Rider. "I wanna be with you and be the one to help you raise these beautiful babies. I love you." He said holding my hand. "I love you too." I said. He smiles and hugs me making me hug him back. We kissed each other and then we heard cackling. We look at the babies and see them smiling. We chuckle and tickle them. I feel so happy now.

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