Commission! + Patreon

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Hey guys, it's Cloude here. First off I'm sure everyone is a bit frustrated  with the new update with the message boards. I'm not sure why watty did this? But I'm pretty sure you can turn off notifications for your message boards.

Anywho, we are here to talk about.... Commissions!!

I know I've had some ask about me ever doing them and my friend, Phoenix, has helped me be able to do this!

Now, I wanna clarify this won't be commissions off DeviantArt! This will be actual money involved, not a point system. I need the money so I can save up to get Camtasia, that way I can then make my YouTube Channel!

So, I need all the help I can get for those who want Commissions from me. I'm going to step up my game and do my drawings even better than how they are to suite all your satisfactions.

If you DO! Wanna do a commission from me, you can transfer the money over to PayPal. PayPal is still a bit new to me so don't fully ask me because I don't fully know XD but I'll try to help. ( this is my friend and I's PayPal! Just go here. You'll have to retype in the link, that's ok lol)

Now for Commission information!

Commission for sketches:

Minimum: Five sketches ( no unlimited amount)

No absurd crap.

Highest amount: 20 sketches

Canvas size: 2000 x 2000 ( standard size)

Types of sketches: ( not colored and no background)

Amount x # of characters = Price

Headshots ( no background)


Full body




Half body



If they want color ( additional )

($5.00) +Shading ($1.00)


Lineart + Color (Additional $1.50)



Full body




Half body


Backgrounds (Depending on detail)

Just linework- $10

Color- $3

Shading- $1


Everything together



Full body




Half body


As you can see, it's pricey. But that's what happens I suppose when you need money lol. I'll try to get my patreon to you guys. Please help me out. And I will do my very best to give you the best I can! Thank you

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