"Hey, you!" the fat boy shouted. "Do you dare not obey Ayumi-chan?"

"Don't be so rough, Genta-kun" the other boy said.

"Shut up! You are talking rubbish, Mitsuhiko!"

"Don't be like that, Genta-kun" Ayumi-chan said to him.

You were just standing next to Conan watching.

"Um. We've got something to do, bye!" Conan said , grabbed your hand and ran off.

  *** (timeskip) ***

You and Conan were now sitting on the couch at Agasa's house.

"Looking at the situation now, there is no way we can find those men in black." said Conan with a sigh.

"Be patient, Shinichi" Agasa said. "If you're hasty and they find out that you're Kudo Shinichi, then what will happend?"

You nodded and looked at Conan.

"I know!" he said and folded his arms. "Not only me, but the people around me would be in danger too!"

"That's right!" Agasa said and turned from what he was doing to you guys. "Ran-kun came here yesterday and asked about you two."

"Ran did?" you asked looking up.

You then looked down on the floor sad, you didn't want to worry Ran so much. She was your first real friend and you would do anything for her as thanks, but this wasn't it.

"I told her that you guys probably were at another case and had to go for a while" he explained. "I don't know how long that excuse will last."

You and Conan were sad not knowing what to do about her.

"Oh, that's right" Agasa suddenly said and ran somewhere.

"Huh?" you looked up and he came back two bowties.

"I made somthing special which will be very useful in your investigations." he said and gave Conan a red bowtie and you a (F/C) one. "It is a voice changing bowtie!"

"Voice changing?" Conan asked and took his bowtie.

"Just rotate the dial inside to alter the pitch and frequency of your voice!" he explained. "No matter if it's old or young, male or female, you can speak a variety of voices!"

"But, in that deserted detective agency, there is no way we'll get to use it" said Conan after trying it.

"But you never know" you said and tied the bow to your (H/C) hair.

  *** (timeskip) ***

You were sitting on the couch reading a book, but wasn't able to consentrate because Kogoro was shouting and cheering in front of the TV watching Yoko.

"Why do you like Yoko-chan so much?" you asked Kogoro closing the book.

"Why? She is someone perfect! Who could not like someone like her. I wish I could meet her one day!" he said with a dreamy look.

"Maybe you're able to meet her then if you like her so much" you smiled to him.

Then the door bell rang and Kogoro walked to the door with a grumpy look on his face. You laid down the book on the table and turned to see who was at the door.

"Mouri's detective agency is closed today." you heard him say then you saw him freeze mid move.

At first you didn't understand and just watched confused.

"You are.. would you be..." Kogoro asked shocked making you tilt your head confused. "Okino Yoko?!"

"What? Did i jinx it?" you wondered to yourself and sweatdropped.

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