Chapter I

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Chloe's POV

I haven't felt like this since I was in high school. I didn't think it was a crush at first but as soon as I laid eyes upon the brown-haired blue-eyed beauty, I knew it was real. As I said, I haven't felt this way ever since I was in high school when I was crushing hard on Courtney Edwards - the most popular girl in school. I knew I had no chance in Hell with her but I couldn't help but develop a crush on her that lasted all through high school. I used to think about her from time to time but now I've moved on - eight years later I've moved on.

It's a beautiful summer day in Atlanta and I'm walking down the street to Bantam Royal Records - one of the best music stores in town and the only one that still sells classic vinyl records. I love music but I'm not a collector of records. I prefer my music to be downloaded onto my phone and it's not like I have a record player just lying around my apartment anyway. As I said, I'm going to the record store but I'm not going there for the music, I'm going to see her - Beca. Just thinking about her sends chills down my spine, in a good way, of course.

I first encountered her last week when I was getting a present for my best friend Aubrey for her birthday. I wanted to get her something different from what I usually get her and since she loves music like me, I wanted to get her a record of her favourite band, Ace of Base. I went into the record store and that's when I saw her. She was sorting and stacking records across from me and I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was so cute and so hot. She was only small, probably five-two, with long and thick chocolate brown hair and dark-blue eyes. She wore dark eyeliner, dark nail polish with multiple earrings in her ears. She had this badass exterior that I just couldn't get enough of.

She wore jeans, boots, a shirt with a flannel over the top and that's the style that she wears to work every single day. I know because I've visited the record store every day since I met her and I haven't been able to stay away. She hasn't spoken to me much though. She gives me the standard "hello" when I walk into the store and asks me if I need any help but I always say no. We haven't conversed any more than that but I have caught her looking at me a few times. I'm not sure if that's because she's checking me out or if she thinks I'm some weirdo who goes into the record store and doesn't buy anything. I feel like an idiot for going in there and not buying anything but I'm only there to stare at the cute brunette.

I arrive at the store and I peer my head in and see Beca working behind the counter as she writes something down on a clipboard. I notice that she's left-handed and she has to curl her hand around so she doesn't smudge her writing. I walk into the store and pretend to look at the records in front of me but really, I'm just checking out the cute employee behind the counter. I really want to talk to her. I just want to say something, anything to the woman. I'm not going to get anywhere if I just stare at her from a distance. It's not like she can read my mind.

Come on, Chloe, boss up and just talk to her!

Okay. Okay, I can do this. I can do this. Yes, I can. I begin hyping myself up to talk to the woman and when she comes to me, I freeze.

"Hi," she smiles.

"H, hi," I just manage to voice.

"Do you need help with something?"

"Ah... No, I'm okay thanks."

"You say that every time you come in here. Are you sure you don't need a hand?"

I swallow hard and I feel my body begin to heat up. Even though it's summer, the air-conditioning in here is amazing but right now I feel like it's been turned off and I'm left to melt.

"Ah... No, I'm just looking." I tell her.

"You're sure?" She chuckles and I'm pretty sure a piece of me just died from her cuteness.

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