I walked over to the trunk and removed my luggage; a small duffel-bag and an old backpack that was coming apart at the seams.

The winds were getting stronger. They whistled in the air. I knew it was about five-thirty in the evening but the sky looked much darker. It was charcoal black. The air was cold, freezing cold. A slight shiver encompassed my body, reminding me that I was wearing a flimsy sweatshirt that didn't do much to protect me from the cold.

I had to find shelter, and fast. I walked fast in the direction I had just come from. My breathing picked up and so did my heartbeat as I took long and quick strides. I could see large houses in the distance.

The first drop fell on my head, disappearing in my medium-length black hair. Two more drops fell, and the downpour began. I started running, covering my head with my backpack. I spotted a house on my left, hidden by a garden of large trees. The lights were on so I rushed there. Once I stepped on the property I realized it wasn't just a house. It was a mansion, a house so grand I momentarily stopped walking, awed by its size. Even though it was big, it wasn't easy to spot with all the trees surrounding it.

I felt uneasy about knocking there, but it was the closest house. I couldn't risk seeking refuge somewhere else. It was already raining and the wind made it hard to see or walk. I jumped on to the front exterior entryway that led to the door. I knocked on the large oak door that stood before me.

I waited. I knocked again. I waited. I knocked again. I had the time to light a cigarette and knock again.

It seemed no one was home. Great! The rain was now spluttering on the ground violently. Trees were being jerked back and forth. If I ventured out there I was in danger of being ripped into pieces by the sheer force of the wind alone. I was temporarily safe underneath the porch which sheltered the front door.

I was safe from the rain but the winds brought with them freezing air that couldn't be ignored. I needed to be indoors. Maybe it was much safer to get back on the road and...

"How hard could this possibly be?"

I didn't realize the door was open. I had my back to it while I mulled over my options. I turned swiftly and my eyes met the figure of a guy standing slightly behind the now open oak door. He was maybe my age, inches shorter than me and spotted beach blond hair and striking blue eyes. He looked like a trust fund baby, alright. I instantly disliked him. His hair stood in all directions (probably the result of some one-night only activity) and he had a maniacal smile on his face.

He looked at me expectantly and I looked at him back. The smile on his face was creeping me out. It momentarily stunned me my lips refused to work.

He poked his head back into the house and mumbled something to someone.

I moved the cigarette from my lips."Uh...hi. I...uh..." I stammered and went silent when I realized he was still mumbling something to whoever he was talking to.

His head emerged. "Welcome to Mitchell Mansion. How can I help you?" The maniacal smile never left his face. I was wondering how he managed to talk with that smile never disappearing when he said, "This is the part where you reply."

"Right..." I said and blew a puff of smoke, careful not to blow it into his face. That didn't work because the wind dragged the smoke right across his face and into his lungs.

He coughed. This wasn't going well.

"Sorry about that," I mumbled. "I was wondering if I could...wait out the storm here. My car broke down some distance up the road and it's really bad out here," I said and pointed to the sky in case his sheltered existence made him unaware of the storm that was being unleashed outside.

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