Chapter 4 Addictions

Start from the beginning

         I suppose not. I mean I have definitely made poor mistakes that the younger I would never think about doing. Logan’s taken up drinking as a hobby.

         “Logan” I called again waiting; nothing. I reached my hand down and quickly shook him by his shoulder. Suddenly his eyes flew open in surprise as he sat up. “Hey babe, how was your nap?” I smiled nicely.

         “What?” he asked confused as he continued to sit up straight on the couch. I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms on my chest.

         “I can’t believe you.” I began. He leaned back and stared at me waiting for my rant. “As soon as you get home from work you start drinking and pass out as your son runs around. What happens if he suddenly left and was kidnapped?”

         “But he wasn’t.”

         “What if he was?”

         “You’re being crazy Skye, he wouldn’t leave.” Logan announced as he quickly stood up walking past me towards the kitchen stumbling a bit. I couldn’t tell if he was drunk or in the hangover stage.

         “I don’t want to put up with this anymore Logan. You really need to slow down on your drinking and put your family first.” I snapped as I chased after him. I watched as he reached into the fridge and pulled out a pop and smiled as he raised it to me.

         “My family does come first.”

         “Really, we are your first priority? Care to explain this to me?” I asked as I quickly sat down at the dinner table.

         “Well I work every day to make money to pay for this place and food.”

         “Yes, I work as well to help pay for everything. But what have you done lately to prove to your son that you love him?” I asked curiously.

         “I see him everyday…”

         “You mean you see him as you’re drinking and before you pass out.”

         “You make me sound like a drunk.”

         “You are a drunk!”

         “What’s wrong with enjoying a nice drink?”

         “Every day”

         “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

         “That’s what addicts say.”

         “Alright, you tell me what you do for Carter?” he snapped back.

         I quickly smiled as I leaned back. “Well let’s see, I’ve been helping him with his speech…”

         “What speech?” Logan asked hearing this for the first time.

         “And you say you pay attention to your son.”

         “He’s never mentioned a speech to me before.”

         “Really, that’s surprising considering that’s all he’s been talking about for weeks.”

         “Maybe to you”

         “He’s mentioned it to everyone!”

         “I don’t need this from you.” Logan snapped as he walked out of the kitchen. I just took a deep breath. “It’s been a long day at work and you’re just being ridiculous.” He added before disappearing. I waited a moment before getting up and heading down the hallway to Carter’s room. I quickly bent down next to him as he was reading a piece of paper.

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