Chapter 1 High School Madness

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Part 1

Chapter 1

High School Madness

          There comes a time in your life where you must overcome your first life obstacle and achieve a life experience that will further yourself into the world. Sadly I don’t believe my upcoming obstacle will do just that for me. I am in my final year of high school and most people would just assume what my obstacles are. First is to graduate from high school with honors and then go to University and then begin my lifetime career. This would actually be a miracle if I overcame them all. I already know that graduating is going to be the toughest of them all.

          My name is Skyler Rae Lynn, I live in Carrington, and I am seventeen years old and pregnant with my first child.

          Now before you begin to judge me I must explain how I got to this position. The father, also my current boyfriend, Logan Myrtle, and I have been together since we were thirteen. Our families are really close so we have been best friends since birth. A couple months ago, we did spend the night together but it was something we did plan for. Unfortually though after months of planning and waiting we forgot one very important thing for our first time which lead to our current situation. We did however make mistakes, like the one I am carrying in my belly but we swear by everything that we love each other and will be at each other’s sides until death.

          On the plus side though I get to have a child with my best friend and live happily together forever. But until I can dream and fantasizing about my future family I must first focus on getting out of school.

          Like you probably would have already guessed by now, my parents are not that thrilled about the situation at hand. Neither are Logan’s parents. But since we are at this point in life they have been amazing and helpful yet brutally honest about what is to come. They all have agreed to help us pay for our first apartment together for the first year or so until we can settle down and focus on moving ahead.

Logan has already been accepted to the University here for Business Administration. He’s been taking a bunch of classes throughout high school and he has a really strong passion for the entire co-operation. I on the other hand was accepted out of state to another University but had to turn them down. I could not live alone with a baby and giving up my child was definitely not an option either. I decided that a year off would be best as I can have my baby and take care of him or her and then go off to school or maybe get a full time job in the city. I know it may not be the best thing to do but in the end all that matters is being with your family right?

“Skye you have a phone call.” My father Eric smiled as he handed me the phone and walked out of my bedroom. I smiled and held it up to my ear.


“I need your help with question eight. I don’t understand what she means.” Logan begged with a lot of frustration. I rolled my eyes as I stood up of the desk chair and walked over to my bed and pulled out my English book. I began to flip through pages until I found my homework questions.  

“It’s the easiest question out of them all.” I laughed at Logan. “She just wants you to explain why Hamlet did not take action sooner in your opinion.”

“Isn’t that what question seven is though?”

“No, that one is to explain what his plan was?”


“Did you even read the questions?” I joked as I sat back down at my desk and waited.

 “I’m too distracted to read or think right now.”

          I had to agree with him on that one, I to have been distracted. These past couple of days all I have been thinking about was our little family. I’ve been picturing the three of us together but I’ve been struggling with the imagination of the baby part. I have been dying to know if I am having a girl or a boy but everyone else including Logan wants it to be a surprise. I have bought a couple of outfits already, all being yellow my favorite colour. Lately though I have had this strange feeling that my baby is a boy but I’m not sure if it’s real or just my imagination. I would go and find out what sex the baby is but the unfortunate part is I could never keep a secret that big from Logan.  

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