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oneyouth screams and fades

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youth screams and fades

Polly didn't know what to do. She wasn't used to serving company that didn't drink whisky but of course, Anna wasn't eighteen yet.

Luckily for her, Anna was making an effort to create conversation which was one less thing for Polly to worry about as she searched the kitchen for something to feed the girl.

"What is it you do for work?" Polly had no answer.

"I work in the family business, I'm the treasurer." She smiled, making Anna some bread and cheese.

"The man who came to my house, is he in the family business?"

"Yes. We work with horses." Anna's face lit up. She admired horses and had loved to ride ever since her mother had told her not to.

"I love horses, I ride all the time."

"Well then it's in the blood." Polly visibly relaxed as the conversation began to flow much easier than it first had.

However, it wasn't long before they were interrupted as three men in black coats burst through the door pointing guns at each other. The youngest of the three was the first to notice the unfamiliar figure but it was the man Anna had already met who spoke first.

"Men, this is your cousin. This is Polly's daughter, Anna."

Anna waited for the men to speak but they remained frozen as though that may have made them invisible. Smiling ear to ear, she stepped forward with her hand out "Pleased to meet you." Her manners was the only thing she had held onto from her upbringing.

"We can show you what's what around here, don't worry about that." The older of the two men reassured her.

"Let's just let her get settled in first." Polly said with obvious caution present in her voice.


It was obvious to Anna that the man she had met before was now acting a lot different towards her than he had the first time they met. It was almost as if he was willing to give the offer but wasn't expecting her to take it.

Anna jumped when he offered to show her round, eager to fit in with her new family and learn about where she had spent her earliest years. She followed as the man, who she had now learned was called Tommy, led her through his pub to a room at the back, closing the door behind them.

"Call your mother." Was the first thing he had said to her since leaving Polly's house.

"What? You invited me to come meet my real mum and now you're telling me to leave her again?"

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