mocking relativism

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SATIRICAL! This doesn't represent my views- in fact it's the complete opposite of what I believe. Please dont think I'm a relativist. Alas the lies begin.

In this piece I will prove to you how Crackheads are actually pretty woke. Thus I call them au courant crackheads- and you will too.

What do we all want in life? The answer is very much subjective; respect, happiness, tolerance, equality and comradery to name a few. The finding of the other answer is a winding, unproductive road in which hundreds of philosophers fell into the trap of trying to rationalize. What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? Time, energy, and happiness are squandered on this trivial question. Even after thousands of years, with millions of great minds pondering at this one question, there still is no answer. And perhaps there will never be. There are many things in life where answers are meaningless, even detrimental, hence the saying "ignorance is bliss". The great thing about this is that if you're ignorant of your ignorance, and if you're blissful in the maximized bliss you made for yourself, you live an "achieved", "fruitful" life.

A french philosopher by the name of Jacques Derrida famously stated "Il n'y a pas de hors-texte." This is translated as "there is no outside text" and interpreted along the lines of "everything is interpretation." My perspective very loosely can be summed up by this; there is no "text", no "fact" outside of your head. Staying true to the former paragraph, this means what's outside of your head is irrelevant. If you find an event positive, it is a positive event. People's views are relative to their upbringing. As a result, religions, tribes, and ethnic groups tend to disagree about fundamental matters, and always will. You create your reality with your mindset which makes everything else irrelevant. Morality, the definition of a life well lived, and happiness are all relative to the person. This is how people choose to be happy, how they decide to be stressed, and embrace success.

They come to this conclusion; life has no meaning. You are nothing but a bundle of memories and actions. Nothing will matter in a million years- heck, it wouldn't matter a century after said person died! This resolution is summed up nicely in the words of Jean-Paul Sartre, "existence precedes essence." And they take another dose.

Without a clear moral compass or purpose, you favor the best for yourself, the path that nurtures your psyche. You choose happiness. And what kind of bliss is guaranteed and immediate? What is the one thing that can induce exhilaration absolutely? Happy pills. Giggle smoke. Rockets. There are many names for these drugs, most of them pejoratives. Belonging, tolerance, equality and comradery are all found in the hippie community, their red eyes crinkled into a yellow-toothed smile, welcoming you. However the public holds on their societal standards dearly attempt to shame all those who found the true path to a good life.

Life has no meaning, the au courant crackheads think, so why not live it out in a euphoric stupor? 

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