chapter eleven

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I went to Doyoung's place. Yukhei is still mad at me and I really need to stay with someone.

"Jungwoo? What happened again?"

"Ugh, nothing. I can't stay with your or what?"

"No no no, I didn't say that."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Can I ask you again what happened a few days ago? Why did you faint?"

"Nothing. I just...fainted. Okay? Let's don't talk about that topic again."

I want to talk with Yukhei about everything. I want to tell him that I miss him, his laugh, his weirdness. I love our friendship and if that thing will ruin it, I'm going to quit. Just not today, our tomorrow, or this week or maybe not even this month. But I will.

"Jungwoo? Are you daydreaming?"

"N-no, I'm just thinking about some stuff. Anyway, do you want to do something?"

"Yes, I want to ask what's wrong. And I know is something wrong. I can see how tired you are. You know you can tell me if you need help, right?"

"It's nothing, I promise. Just please please please stop asking me about this things."

He hugged me. I love his hugs, even if he's not very tall, I love his hugs.

At least, one of the two people I love are not mad at me.

a/n: dont hate me

today was the first time i listened to yestoday and since 9pm im listening to it

dOyOuNg OmG vOcAlS

now im learning lucas' rap

and idk why but it gives me the 7th sense vibes

the 7th sense will be always the best nct song tbh

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